6 of the Best Ways to Take Kratom

6 of the Best Ways to Take Kratom

Last Updated on November 8, 2023

Walk into any smoke shop, vape store, naturopathic retailer, or even gas station and you might see a new herbal supplement on the shelves: Kratom.

Sometimes it’s sitting alongside energy pills and drinks.

At other times, it’s positioned near the vitamins or minerals.

In some stores, you’ll find kratom next to the various vapes.

Often the packs or bottles contain user instructions but at other times they leave the buyer guessing about the best ways to take kratom.

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Learn the Best Ways to Take Kratom

The Mitragynine speciosa herb is marketed as a pill, powder, or extract.

If you are a new user, you are probably wondering the best ways to take kratom.

Ingesting the kratom can seem a bit daunting, especially if you purchase a packet of kratom powder.

You’ll wonder about the best ways to take kratom.

In this article, we will explore your ingestion options.

1. Toss and Wash: The Traditional Method of Ingesting

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Powder Form of the Herb

The most popular form of herb sold is powder.

You’ll find it marketed in bags, packets, and jars.

The toss and wash method involves tossing the powder and washing it down with a glass of liquid.

Basically, you’ll only encounter a couple of variations in the toss and wash method.

They all involve the basic steps:

Measure out the dosage of kratom powder that you wish to ingest.

Newbies often take one to two grams and moderate users three to five grams.

Anything above five grams is reserved for seasoned users.

Place the powder in your mouth and then take a drink of water.

Let the powder and liquid mix inside of your mouth before swallowing.

Take another gulp of water to further wash down any residue.

When using the toss and wash method, always avoid breathing in or you might accidentally inhale the powder which could cause you to cough and mess up the entire process of ingestion.

The main problem with the toss and wash method is that it’s difficult to hold the dry powder in your mouth without gagging or coughing.

Also, many users object to the bitter flavor of the alkaloid rich powder.

You can opt to use a different beverage in place of water.

Orange juice is an ideal choice.

The citric acid helps counter the unpleasant taste and make it more bearable for many users.

With the toss and wash method, your body rapidly absorbs the alkaloid-laden powder via the digestive tract and even to a lesser degree through the delicate membranes of the mouth such as sublingually.

The fast absorption helps guarantee faster results which is a huge benefit if you are using the herb to cope with pain and other discomforts.

The main drawback to using the toss and wash method is that it’s hard to determine the dose of powder with any accuracy.

You might be taking too little or too much.

2. Mix and Wash: The Most Potent and Best Ways to Take Kratom

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Mixing in Coffee

The mix and wash method is a great option for ingesting the herb.

Basically, the mix and wash method works just like the name implies.

You will measure your dose of kratom powder and then mix it with a liquid to mask the flavor and for easy ingestion.

Many kratom users add the herb to their daily cup of java or tea.

Why not blend the kratom into a delicious fruit and yogurt laden smoothie?

One thing of importance to think about before you mix your kratom powder with a beverage is that some juices act as potentiators which means they work with the alkaloids in the herb to further enhance their potency.

The acids within pineapple, grapefruit, orange, and cranberry juice all quickly start to break down the plant’s alkaloids in the stomach so the body can more readily absorb them into your system for rapid results.

3. Capsules: The Easiest and One of the Best Ways to Take Kratom

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Capsules: Easy to Swallow

Virtually every major kratom brand offers capsules.

They are easy to swallow and come pre-measured with the herb for accurate dosage.

The powder-filled capsules are also discreet because they look like virtually every other herbal or vitamin supplement.

You can carry a bottle of kratom capsules in your purse, keep them in your desk, or in the glove box of your car.

Then you simply open the bottle and pop a capsule when needed.

Without a doubt, this is probably the easiest and one of the best ways to take kratom.

4. Tea: Hot and Tasty

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Enjoy as a robust cup of tea

One of the traditional ways to ingest kratom is as a tea.

In SE Asia, many locals enjoy a cup of piping hot kratom tea in the evening after a long day of labor, in addition, tea is used as a social beverage in such locations.

When guests arrive, the host always offers to brew up kratom so that everyone can sit around with the tea.

In some regions, during special festivals kratom is used.

In its homeland, the indigenous people use kratom leaves to brew tea, but you can prepare the beverage with kratom powder.

Simply mix the required dosage in a cup of hot water or brew it with a coffee pot by adding the powder in place of the coffee grounds.

The flavor of kratom tea is an acquired taste.

Most people think it’s too sour and bitter so adding a dash of honey or sugar can sweeten the beverage before drinking making it exceptionally palatable.

You can even squeeze in fresh lemon or orange juice.

Another option is to mix the kratom powder with your favorite tea such as black, green, or chamomile tea.

5. Mixing With Food

Mix kratom with your favorite jelly to spread the powder across a slice of toast in the morning.

The fruit flavor of jelly will obscure the taste of the powder.

When mixing kratom with foods, avoid cooking with the powder which will alter the alkaloids.

Instead, think of foods that mask the taste and simply make it an easier way to ingest.

You can blend the powder as an ingredient in a yummy smoothie or weight loss shake.

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6. Extracts/Tinctures

Nowadays, many of the leading kratom brands are selling extracts or tinctures of the herb.

The potent substance is amplified.

With only one or two drops, you can instantly receive your dose of kratom.

With a tincture, place a drop or two of the kratom tincture directly under your tongue.

The blood vessels in the membranes under your tongue are remarkably close to the surface so they rapidly absorb the alkaloid-laden tincture into your bloodstream for rapid use.

You’ll almost immediately feel the impact of the herb.

Sublingual ingestion of the tincture is one of the easiest options to take kratom.

You’ll rapidly reap the benefits such as easing pain without having to wait for the standard 30 minutes to one hour time required by capsules or the toss and wash method.

In this article, we explored the best ways to take kratom.

If you’d like to shop our inventory of leading kratom brands look HERE.

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