In 2010, it was reported that 12 million people used opiates due to addiction. Abuse of prescription painkillers such as hydrocodone, oxycodone, and hydromorphone, and others topped the list of the most abused substances. Most addicts started out taking prescription drugs to cope with pain and quickly became hooked on the highly addictive drugs. Many continue doctor shopping and buying illegal street drugs to maintain their habit, but others move on to dangerous illegal drugs such as heroin to cope with their addiction. Sadly, the fear of dealing with the horrific withdrawals are often what fuels the ongoing use of opiates for many users. In this article, we will explore opiate withdrawal supplements that can make kicking the habit easier.

Opiate Withdrawal


Withdrawal from opiates is extremely uncomfortable. The symptoms of detoxification make stopping the habit almost impossible for some users. Although rarely life-threatening. The withdrawal effects have been known to cause serious health complications. Also, remember that the severity of withdrawal symptoms is based largely on your level of dependence. Without a doubt, going through withdrawals provides significant challenges. However, withdrawal is a vital step towards living an addiction-free life.

Individuals who fail to kick the habit often face a grim future with Healthgrades reporting that 130 people die each day from opioid overdose in the U.S. Many opt to seek an inpatient treatment facility, but for others the high cost is impossible and the waitlist for inexpensive or government-run treatment facilities often spans months or years. In such a situation, some addicts opt to cope with the withdrawal symptoms at home.

Symptoms of opiate withdrawal supplements include:

  • Insomnia
  • Muscle Aches
  • Sweating
  • Anxiety
  • Runny nose
  • Tearing eyes
  • Goosebumps
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Dilated pupils
  • Diarrhea
  • Severe agitation
  • Nausea
  • Shakiness
  • Constipation
  • Vomiting

The symptoms can last a week up to a month for severe addicts.

Opiate Withdrawal Supplements

How Long Does Opiate Withdrawal Last? | Ken Seeley Communities

Making the Journey to Recovery a Reality

If you decide to conquer withdrawal on your own, then you’ll need to stock up on supplements to help your body make the transition.

1. Rehydration Opiate Withdrawal Supplements

One of the most common occurrences that can become life-threatening is severe dehydration during withdrawals. Sweating, vomiting, and diarrhea all cause a severe loss of fluid in the body. Many people who opt to go through withdrawals at home often end up in the hospital due to dehydration. Keep a supply of electrolyte solutions on hand such as Pedialyte to try to avoid dehydration. Sip the liquid and do not guzzle it. Sucking on ice chips can help but will not replace the minerals and vitamins that your body loses so it’s imperative that you turn to an electrolyte solution.

2. Over-the-counter Medications

You’ll want to stock up on over-the-counter medications to ride out the severe side effects of opiate withdrawal supplements. Loperamide (known as Imodium) can help control diarrhea. For nausea try meclizine which is available under the brand names Bonine and Antivert. You can also try dimenhydrinate (Dramamine) which is sold for motion sickness but can be beneficial during withdrawals when the room starts to spin, and nausea comes on in waves. Antihistamines like Benadryl can help with sinus stuffiness and runny nose. Use acetaminophen or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen to control muscle cramps and headaches.

When using over-the-counter drugs, always take them as directed on the label. Do not exceed the recommended dosage without first consulting with a physician.

3. Tai-Kang-Ning

Tai-kang-ning is a Chinese herbal supplement that has been used to treat opioid withdrawal for centuries. The herb is also called kang ning wan or curing pills. It is believed to cure a variety of digestive problems and assist with withdrawal symptoms. Many people use it to treat the symptoms of stomach flu, acid reflux, food poisoning and diarrhea.

One study carried out looked at tai-kang-ning to treat withdrawals and found that the herbal supplement did lessen the unpleasant symptoms.

4. Ginseng

Ginseng is another Chinese herb favored for the treatment of opiate withdrawal. It can ease anxiety and improve the mood during the process. When shopping for ginseng, you’ll encounter several varieties. The best opiate withdrawal supplements are made from Asian or red ginseng. If you have a history of cancer, be sure to speak with your physician prior to using ginseng because it has been shown to impact certain cancers. Taking ginseng does put you at risk of certain side effects such as a rapid heartbeat, diarrhea, and dry mouth. However, the withdrawal benefits probably outweigh the potential for adverse side effects.

5. Kratom as an Opiate Withdrawal Supplement


The University of Florida researchers carried out a study using kratom leaves to find out if the alkaloid-laden plant fibers help with opioid withdrawal symptoms. Their conclusion was that the herb does reduce withdrawal symptoms and seems to deliver impressive pain-relieving benefits.

“There have been a lot of anecdotal reports suggesting kratom has some pain-relieving properties and has helped transition users from prescription opioids to this product,” said Chris McCurdy, Ph.D., a professor of medicinal chemistry at the UF College of Pharmacy states. “Scientifically, this becomes one of the most important kratom studies released showing support as a potential treatment option for an opioid withdrawal syndrome or opioid use disorder.”

“Most of the pain relief and withdrawal effects of LKT are mediated via the mu-opioid receptor,” states Jay McLaughlin, Ph.D., a professor of pharmacodynamics in the UF College of Pharmacy. “If you block that receptor, you’re going to lose its ability to block pain.”

“What we learned was that across a wide dosing range — all the way up to the average human equivalence dose that people use — kratom was very safe and did not affect respiration or coordination,” McCurdy said. “It looks to be a very safe and efficacious product in the model we used and in the more traditional-inspired form of medication that we used.”

Kratom is widely available and legal throughout most of the United States. You can purchase the powder at vape stores, smoke shops, dispensaries, gas stations, naturopathic stores, and at online vendors. At My Kratom Club, we sell a wide array of kratom products HERE. 

You can opt to use kratom powder, capsules, or extract to help gain relief. As an opiate withdrawal supplement, kratom appears remarkably effective.

6. St. John’s Wort

When going through opiate withdrawal, most people will start to shake. The tremors can range in intensity plus they can persist for weeks. In an effort to gain relief from the shaking, St. John’s wort appears to offer some hope according to studies. However, do not use the herb if you are taking medications such as birth control pills, digoxin, antidepressants, warfarin (a blood thinner), and certain HIV medications like indinavir. You can purchase St John’s wort from online vendors or at any store that sells vitamin and mineral supplements. Always follow the directions on the label for ingestion instructions.

7. Melatonin

When going through withdrawals, sleep is elusive. You can take the sleep hormone melatonin which is available over the counter or online. It can promote sleep so you can at least get a few hours of rest while your body tries to overcome its addiction to narcotics.

Conquering narcotics is hard, and you’ll need all the help you can get. Using opiate withdrawal supplements can offer the assistance you need to overcome the highly addictive habit.