Best Kratom Capsules – Why Capsules Dominate The Kratom Market

Kratom is available in capsule and powder form. With the powder form, you must mix it with water or add it to a smoothie or some other beverage. Mixing the powder in yogurt has become a popular option for many. However, sometimes you might not have the time to mix powder so many people prefer the ease of capsules. In this article, we will explore what’s great about the best kratom capsules.

Blue Magic Bali Red Kratom Capsules (600mg)
Click Here To Buy Blue Magic Bali Red Kratom Capsules (600mg)

Pros and Cons of some of the Best Kratom Capsules

As with any herbal supplement, there are pros and cons even when you buy quality kratom. You’ll need to weigh out each to determine if capsules are the right delivery method for you. As with anything, what works well for one person might not for another.

Pros of Kratom Capsules

Capsules are easy to use
Convenient Kratom Capsules

Below are the pros of kratom capsules that might convince you to try the delivery method:

  • Convenient and easy to take
  • No bitter taste, unlike powders which many reports as being unpleasant-tasting
  • Lack of any discernible odor because many users find the plant’s odor pungent and stinky.
  • Provides very accurate dosage so you don’t have to guess about how much to take
  • Easy to carry anywhere such as work, school, or shopping
  • Not messy; if you spill them then they are easy to pick up
  • Very convenient and easy to take anywhere- even on the go

Cons of Kratom Capsules

Nothing is perfect so of course, there are cons to using kratom capsules:

  • Cost more money than powder
  • Often become infested with harmful contaminants so only purchase the herbal caps from a reputable retailer to guarantee purity

Should You Make Your Own Kratom Capsules?

In today’s ‘do it yourself’ society, everyone is looking for a DIY project. Without a doubt, creating your own holistic supplements and food products provides a fun and fulfilling experience. However, it is not without risks, especially if you are seeking to make the best kratom capsules. Yes, you can purchase kratom powder in bulk and gelatin capsules are very economical. An entire bag of them costs very little. However, if you want the best kratom capsules then you might want to forego becoming your own pharmacist and creating your own capsules because there are risks.

Risks of DIY Kratom Capsules

Below is a brief overview of the risks involved in making your own kratom capsules:

Yes, there are kratom users who proudly make their own kratom capsules and they have few if any problems. However, there are risks involved in DIY capsules.

  • Contamination: Possible contamination which can make you sick. It is imperative that you disinfect the area where you are making the capsules to try to abstain from contaminating the kratom capsules.
  • Inaccurate dose: It is hard to achieve the correct dosage when making capsules so you might not achieve a balance. Unfortunately, you’ll never know if you have the dosage right so you could be taking too much or too little when using DIY capsules. Obviously, if the capsules have too little kratom then they will lack potency and if they have taken much then you risk overdose symptoms.
  • More Expensive: Isn’t the purpose of making DIY kratom capsules to save money? You might lose money. It’s not uncommon for the capsule creation to cost more and you also must look at the time invested in making the tedious pills.
  • Time Consuming: As mentioned, making kratom capsules takes time. It can also be very tedious because you must fill each tiny capsule. If you don’t like projects that are meticulous then you might want to avoid kratom capsules.

Capsules vs Powder

In Southeast Asia, the home of kratom, most of the locals either chew the leaves to obtain the juice or they brew a tea. In other parts of the world such as the USA, most rely on either powder or capsules. Both forms of kratom have their fans.


Kratom powder
Storing Kratom Powder

Powder is very bitter. In fact, premium kratom is extremely bitter due to the high levels of alkaloids. Most people do not like the flavor and although you can mix it in a smoothie there remains a serious undertone that reveals the presence of the powder. It’s very hard to mask the flavor. Most people take kratom via the spoonful. You put a spoonful in your mouth and then take a gulp of water to wash down the powder. The aftertaste is often overpowering and it’s not uncommon for some people to gag as the powder goes down. Mixing in a beverage or some sort of food might reduce the unpleasant taste.


Obviously, pills are far easier to take and you won’t taste the kratom. Also, capsules are discreet. You can carry them in your pocket or purse to pop into your mouth when you need it the most. Powder takes up more space and requires a spoon. In addition, you get a very accurate dose with capsules, unlike powder which becomes a guessing game. With a powder, you must measure it out which can be difficult, if not impossible to do if you are on the go or at the office. A caplet provides you with a pre-measured amount every time. No guessing! It is quick and easy.

Storing Your Kratom Capsules

Some of the retailers who sell the best kratom capsules offer wonderful bulk rate discounts that can save you a considerable amount of money. However, do you want to buy a year’s supply of kratom? Will you be able to store the pills or will they go bad? These are very common questions that you might have. After all, who doesn’t want to save money and have a supply on hand, so you don’t have to frequently order? The convenience and thrifty price tag might be very enticing.

Storing Kratom Powder

Storing loose kratom is difficult. The retailer will send it to you in a sealed bag or container, but once you open it then you must put it into an airtight receptacle.  If the air is humid then moisture can build up in the powder which leads to mold and clumping. Also, the powder can lose its potency in a few weeks.

Storing Benefits

The problem is that powder does not last long unlike some of the best kratom capsules available. Capsules are encased in their own airtight caps. Store them in a bottle in a cool, dark place to maintain potency. Also, you can remove the capsules from the bottle and store them in an airtight pill dispenser. With capsules, you can safely make a bulk purchase without worrying about them going bad quickly. This can ultimately save you money because if your kratom powder goes bad then you must throw it out. However, even though the capsules might cost more they will last longer, and nothing is wasted.

Kratom Capsule Dosage

The biggest advantage of capsules is the fact that you can control the dosage. Most people will take three capsules if they are newbies or rarely use kratom. Usually, a moderate dose is classified as six capsules, a higher dose is ten capsules, and a strong dose is 14 capsules. Ideally, you should avoid a strong dose. Only take the lowest dose that you need to achieve the effects that you desire.

Avoid Tolerance When Taking Capsules

Without a doubt, using caps is an easy way to ingest the herbal supplement. However, it might be too easy, and you could be tempted to pop a capsule any time that you feel you need it. The ease of taking a capsule is undeniable and very tempting. However, please remember, as, with all things, you can build a tolerance to the herb so you should avoid overindulging and simply take a small dose of the kratom as needed. Trying to control your kratom ingestion will help prevent you from building a tolerance.

OPMS Black Extract Liquid Shot (8.8 ML)
Click Here To Buy OPMS Black Extract Liquid Shot (8.8 ML)

Where to Buy Kratom?

Kratom is sold at head shops, smoke shops, vape stores, convenience stores, kratom dispensaries and even marijuana dispensaries. You might be wondering which one is your best bet for finding the kratom. Sadly, you’ll probably have a hard time finding quality kratom at some of those locations. If you must buy from a brick and mortar dealer your best bet is to go to a kratom dispensary or marijuana dispensary. However, you can also purchase quality kratom online.

You can use Google to run a search of kratom retailers online. Ideally, you should always look closely at the reviews of the retailer to determine the experience of other buyers.

If you are seeking kratom, then be sure to pay attention to reviews. Also, look for retailers that stand behind their products. At My Kratom Club, we offer a 100 percent quality guarantee. Please contact us today to learn about our many kratom strains.

42 Responses

  1. Hi My Kratom Club team,

    Kratom natural herbs supplements, sound new and interesting to me. Well, i believe that natural health supplements have its own unique benefits. Overall, i do agree that capsules are better than  powdered form. Which is more easier to consume while on the go in this fast pace world. Good for working adults too. Price and storage can be an issue. It is necessary to get what a person need and store it properly. The most important of all is to consume it safety with the right amount. Overall, i find that it is good idea in terms of using natural herbs supplements. Hence, most doctors are not supportive in people using herb supplements as an alternative health remedy. 

    Due to the fact that it is not scientifically proven, has medical risks and modern medicines are still a better treatment method. Is that true? 

    Well, it will be great if modern doctors can be more open minded towards having natural supplements as a alternative remedy.

    Best wishes,

    David Koh

    1. Thanks David for the detailed and well written comment.

      It is always best to go with your doctor’s recommendations.

      Kratom capsules are an extremely helpful alternative if approved by your physician.

      – My Kratom Club

  2. Hi.  Your website is lovely looking.  The graphics are colourful and the text is error free.  Well set out categories for products, personal stories and prices.

    The only points I noticed was the “Dismiss” button on the heading.  I was afraid to press it in case something disappeared.  It seemed strange to see it to me, so maybe would to a visitor.  Also, as a potential customer, I would like to know more about the product; there was very little there about its origin, health benefits, possible side effects, history and purpose. 

    And finally, I think you laboured the downside of the texture and flavour too much.  Once you put this idea into someone’s head, it can put them off; I think it’s sufficient to say that some people don’t like the taste, but it can be made palatable by mixing it with something else, like orange juice maybe, and then quickly follow it with the fact that the health benefits can outweigh the flavour.  I have a product which I use and sell, which is also a powder, that not everyone likes, but I find it fine.  It depends on the individual taste.

    Apart from that, a lovely site with no major criticisms.

    1. Annepaton thanks for the feedback.

      We will definitely take your suggestions to make future improvements.

      – MKC

  3. Hi, I stumbled upon your article as I was looking for a great supplement.  Can you explain what Kratom does exactly?  I was trying to figure out with your article.  Is it safe for anyone to take this?  Will that help someone with diabetes?  If the effect the same with capsules versus powder?  Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Carole,

      Thanks for asking. Take a look HERE to find a breif synopsis of what Kratom is.

      If you are interested in taking a deeper dive into Kratom you can check out all of the articles we have on our blog HERE.

      There is also an article that covers Kratom and diabetes HERE.

      To answer you question in regards to Kratom Capsules and comparing that to powder.

      Powder does tend to get into the body faster but in general both work the same.

      Any other questions email us or chat with us on the website.

      – My Kratom Club

  4. This article provides a thorough review of Kratom capsule and I think that is great.  If I was searching for information to determine if I should take the capsule or use the powder, this article would certainly answer all my questions and help me make an informed decision which would be capsules.   The information presented is easy to understand.  The only question I would have after reading the article is what is Kratom and what are the health benefits of taking it.  Also, is there any health risk from taking the product?

    1. Patricia those are excellent questions.

      Kratom is a southeast Asian planet that is grown mostly in Asia and some strains now in Vietnam.

      You’ll find a summary of what Kratom is HERE.

      There are many health benefits. Take a look at this article HERE for the best information we have of how it helps millions of people.

      You’ll find side effects and other information by going HERE.

      All in all hopefully those articles answer your questions.

      – MKC

  5. Nice article on Kratom capsules, i have read other article on kratom and i think they are very nice, informative and well detailed just like this one, kratom product are very good, they have lots of benefit, although i have never used them, but from the reviews on them and people’s testimonies about them is amazing, it is not a drug but a natural supplement, i will love to use the kratom capsule and will also recommend them..thanks for sharing

  6. These is a good informational post you have here on the best capsules from kratom. I think it’s nice because more people love to use the capsules rather than take injections. I am not sure I will be able to make my own capsules myself so I will instead just make do with what I can get. Thanks for the info.

    1. We haven’t even thought of that when it comes to cortisone injections. Definitely a valid point and one to think about.

      A doctor might recommend Kratom as an alternative.

      That is for the doctor to decide and we do not recommend replacing Kratom with any modern medicine.

      – MKC

  7. Hmm.. I feel it would be best to play it safe and not make my own capsules. I would want to ensure that I get the right dosage without question. Just like you said that too little can lack potency AND if it was too much then I would risk overdose symptoms. Thanks for clarifying this!

  8. I came across this post on Kratom and I’m not really sure what it is.  Does this Kratom powder come from a plant?  

    But all in all This is really an insightful post and i am sure that this article will be of great help to so many people just as it has really being of great help to me.

    The website is really nice. and i have learnt something tangible from this well detailed article on the best kratom capsules. i have really wanted to learn more about kratom powder.

    Thanks for sharing 


  9. I’m from Southeast Asia and I’ve heard of Kratom many times – though sometimes they don’t have the best reviews.. I think it’s all about moderation because you can easily get addicted to it, especially if you start to chew the leaves. Our government actually published a statement asking users not to get addicted to it lol but my dad bring back the leaves at times.

    To be honest I’m not exactly sure on the benefits of the Kratom but I can see that you have a thriving business there in the US so I’m sure it has many health benefits as it’s been on demand. 

  10. Thanks for sharing this review about Kratom capsules, personally I prefer to use capsules than powder because it’s always easier for me to ingest compared to powder. Capsule has a lot of benefits that makes it more preferable, just the cost makes it expensive and it should be store in a very conducive environment.

  11. Definitely capsules are the way to go. And I wouldn’t recommend DIY capsules because an error in dosing over time can cumulatively be harmful to ones health. Particularly the part about masking the taste and smell of the Kratom plant makes the use of capsules the best option. Thank you for sharing.

  12. This is a very informative article outlining the pros and con of Brampton capsules but I still don’t actually understand what he product benefits are or what it actually is.

    I appreciate from your article it tastes pretty bad so I think its one of those things if your your going to take it on a regular basis you would have to go with the capsules.

    making your own could be a good idea but I don’t think id have the patience.

    how do I find out more please?

  13. As with any new to me product, I am in the learning phase for Kratom.  There are a number of claims that I have not yet had time tor research about using this product.  With chronic arthritis, I do rely on herbal supplements to help with the pain.  You said that the normal dosage is 3 capsules.  As you are taking them as needed for pain what are the guidelines?  How much is too much in a 24 hour period?

    You also said that they could be taken anywhere, are there any suggested things to avoid, like taking before eating?  Or avoid hot liquids?  In my learning time to see if this is a good fit for me, I am concerned about the product not being effective. Is there any satisfaction guarantee?

    Thank you for helping me as I am learning about this product.

  14. Well! On a normal interest level, I always love the capsules die to the ease attached to their use and the fact that you dont get to taste any sour or painful taste before having to swallow them. good post here and i loce the way you have outlined everything in simple correct forms. thumbs up

  15. Wow, know I know about Kratom. I am really grateful for your education on this subject. I was not fully aware of the benefits of this herb. I definitely prefer capsules, as they are easy to swallow and do not make a mess. I will definitely keep an eye on your site, as it is very interesting.

  16. hi, 

    I think u have given the most diverse article on where to buy Kratom supplies. It’s been a good read and the ways of finding genuine products is well appreciated. It is especially good to know that these capsules are 100% certified by you. 

    Keep writing such good content for your readers. 



  17. Uf, I would not want to risk and do my own Kratom capsules at home – I would be too scared to do the dosage wrong. And since it’s also more expensive to do it on your own, I really do not see any point in doing so. I drink smoothie each morning, so adding the Kratom powder in it is still the best (and safest!) option for me.

  18. I had no idea what kratom was, so I had to check out your other posts to learn more about it. Your post gave great info on pros and cons of taking kratom via capsules or powder. I don’t believe in making your own medicines in capsule form. Like you stated you risk contaminating or not putting in the right dosage. You say that quality kratom is hard to find even in dispensaries…why do you think that? Is there a lot of fake or low quality ones out in the market? How would I know that I’m getting a quality kratom product? Thanks for sharing!

  19. Hello there, Over the years Kratom has gained more popularity as people began learning about its many benefits. With the rise in the number of users, the number of Kratom vendors have also increased. Although vendors claim to sell the best quality Kratom. However, the truth is that many vendors dont deliver the quality they promise, and this is really affecting the market…due to high number of fake product I came really tell which is good talk more of the best.

  20. Would you believe if I said I’ve never heard of this product ever in my life!? What I’m learning (I did a little mire research) is that it is good for chronic pain as well as a solution for depression and anxiety. I also learned that there are distinct differences between red, white and green Kratom. Well, I’m sure I’m preaching to the choir here, so I’ll launch into the question (s) I have.

    First, apparently this stuff is still legal, even though FDA considers it an opioid of sorts. So, if you wanted to help your 83 year old mother relieve her chronic back pain and help her with chronic fatigue, which strain would you recommend? Are there any real concerns if I were to help her get some of this product? 

    Thanks for your help!


    1. Hi Darrin,

      Very happy you found us as we love to talk about Kratom. It is always great to see how our website reaches so many different walks of life. Kratom has truly helped millions of people live better lives.

      We do have many adult children order Kratom for their older parents.

      It is of course always best to run the idea by the doctor prior to using any type of natural supplements.

      The red strains are truly best for chronic pain and to help with a good night’s rest.

      Take a look at our article HERE which talks about all the different Kratom strains.

      Hope this information helps.

      – MKC

  21. I’m a DIY person, but I wouldn’t go as far as make my own supplements. So, I prefer to buy my supplements, and I would go for the pills if I had a chance to try kratom.

    I would very much like to try kratom, and I’m quite curious about this herb. Unfortunately it’s banned here in Finland, so no chance. What kind of benefits does kratom have?

    1. Hi Kristi,

      Thanks for stopping by.

      The capsules are definitely the most popular when it comes to consuming Kratom.

      There are a lot of benefits when it comes to Kratom coming from our customers.

      Take a look at our blog Life Changing Kratom Benefits by clicking HERE.

      Hope that information helps in really getting a good idea of how Kratom has shown to help millions of people.

      – MKC

  22. Well! I would sure with the normality that the kratom capsules are more advantageous than any demerits or cons associated with them. Capsules most importantly help with the sour and bitter tasting that the powder has and thats a lot of relieve. Kratom powder is very bitter and getting capsules is a lot better. However, I cannot take the DIY capsule advise. I prefer buying it from reputable source than making it myself for fear of contamination

    1. Angela, we could not agree more.

      It is a bit risky making your own capsules not to mention a whole lot of work.

      It’s best to take the powder by making drinks such as tea, smoothies, and other beverages that can mask the flavor.

      Capsules are the easiest and great for on the go.

      Thanks again for taking the time to comment.

      – MKC

  23. thank you for sharing this article. for last few months i have been taking the kratom capsules. trust me, it is the most handy one to consume. before taking capsules i was taking kratom powder. but when i mixed it with my juice it tasted bitter. this is one of the major reasons i have stopped taking kratom powder. the kratom club products are herbal products. it gives no side effects. i love to take these and also i can control my dosage. i have been purchasing my kratom capsules by online retailer. and the price is also reasonable. many of my friends are also interested in kratom capsules.

    i will surely share this article with my friends so that they cam also understand the benefits of taking kratom capsule.

  24. Thank you so much for giving us this wonderful article. Your article is really very informative and I have gained a lot of knowledge which is very helpful to me .I have used Kratom Capsules as an herbal supplement .Capsules have become a popular option for me, with the easy use of yogurt and yogurt. I did not taste that bitter taste after consuming the capsule and had no side effects .And the capsule I was able to easily carry anywhere without any hassle .Personally I have used DIY capsules and I have benefited greatly and it is safe .

    I have been very pleased to learn about Best Kratom Capsules through your article and I have received a lot of ideas about why they are so important in the marketplace. So I will definitely be delivering your article to my friends and will definitely share with you their new experience.Can I share your article on my social media?

  25. Hi Dear!

    You surely did a great job in this post. I like the comparison you made between powder kratom and capsule kratom. It is true that both are very helpful and have their pros and cons.

    I will just add that the capsule form is way much easier to use, and you are sure that you are taking the same quantity daily. I remember that whenever I will use the powder form it was never the same amount. At some point, you want to get the best result from it and not overuse it.


  26. The first i want to do is try to share this great article with some of my friends. The website is really nice. and i have learnt something tangible from this well detailed article on the best kratom capsules. i have really wanted to learn more about kratom powder. this is great i noe know about the storage also.

  27. Hi, thanks for sharing this article about the best kratom capsules. I am not really good at taking drugs most specially when it is powder form but I do prefer taking drugs in capsules form because it is very easily to take and prevent unpleasant taste and smell .Also you talk about the pros and cons of some of the best kratom capsules which I enjoy reading but I do have a question. Please what is the purpose of taking this kratom capsules and also the function because from what I read , I think that the kratom capsules is not a drug but have it’s own function which I am unable to figure out . So please I need your help with that . Thank you

    1. Sophia,

      You are correct. Kratom is not a drug but a 100% pure natural supplement.

      That is of course if you are purchasing from a reliable, trusted, and well known vendor.

      People use the supplement for many things such as pain, depression, sleep, energy, and many other things.

      Our information of which strain and product is best truly comes from our customers. 

      They love to share information of all the amazing things they have experienced.

      The powder has truly changed millions of lives.

      – MKC

  28. This is really an insightful post and i am sure that this article will be of great help to so many people just as it has really being of great help to me. This is a great article on kratom capsules. it is a good thing that these kratom capsule are easy to get in the local stores. thank you for this review.

  29. Thanks for writing this awesome article on best kratom capsules I know it would be of great help to the public as it has been of help to me…over time i have been looking for the best kratom capsules to get and I must tell you this article has made things a lot easier for me….

  30. Hi I came across this post on Kratom and I’m not really sure what it is.  Does this Kratom powder come from a plant or tree?  and what would the benefits be of using this power.  From your article I can choose from Kratom powder or capsules – I guess you could purchase the capsules and put your own herbal supplements in them.   I would like to know more about what Kratom is and the benefits to using it.

    1. Hi Letsret.

      Check out our article that goes over all of the benefits of Kratom HERE.

      Hopefully that article provides you a deeper understanding of the plant.

      – MKC

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