Best Kratom Strains

Best Kratom Strains

Last Updated on November 7, 2023

Kratom is an herbal supplement that has become immensely popular around the world. It is obtained from the leaves of a tropical evergreen tree that grows throughout parts of Southeast Asia. For centuries Asians have chewed the plant’s leaves or brewed them into a tea to extract the alkaloids. Mitragynine, paynanthine, speciociliatine, and 7-hydroxymitragynine (7-HMG) occur in varying degrees in the plant’s leaves. The best kratom strains all have abundant alkaloids which many believe boost cognitive ability, stimulation, relaxation, and potential pain relief.

Types of Kratom

Best Kratom Strains
Best Kratom Strains

Kratom is always categorized by the color of its leaf veins. If you inspect the veins, you will notice that the veins in the green leaves are different colors depending on the type of kratom: red vein, green vein, and white vein. The differing colors are a result of the alkaloid content which makes up the chemical composition. Each type of kratom thrives in different locations and grows well under varying conditions. The three types of kratom are further divided into various strains that are used for certain purposes.

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  • Green Vein Kratom: Green strains of kratom are reputed to offer the greatest potency due to the high concentrations of alkaloids present in the plant fiber. Many turn to green vein strains to boost their energy. They provide more subtle effects.
  • White Vein Kratom: Strains of white vein kratom act as a stimulant and even enhance mood. Many use white kratom to replace coffee.
  • Red Vein Kratom: Without a doubt, red vein kratom strains are exceptionally popular. It grows well throughout most of Southeast Asia and is abundant. Interestingly, many theorize that the abundance of red kratom is because the chemical makeup gives the foliage its red vein coloration which makes it less susceptible to insect attack and disease. Beginners typically prefer red vein kratom strains due to their dependability and pleasant effects.

Best Kratom Strains Available

Kratom Strains for You
Kratom Strains for You

Below is a list of the best kratom strains.

Maeng Da Kratom

Maeng Da kratom is a leader as one of the best kratom strains. Also, you can purchase White Maeng Da kratom, Red Maeng Da kratom, and Green Maeng Da kratom.

White Maeng Da kratom leads as the most popular kratom strain. Green Maeng Da takes second place and third place for popularity is Red Maeng Da.

If you are seeking potency, then you will not be disappointed with Maeng Da because it is one of the strongest. Ideally, you should take a low to moderate dose, especially if you are a newbie. Also, please avoid taking this strain frequently or you could develop a kratom tolerance. Usually, you will use one to two grams of the strain to gain the effects that you seek.

To check out all our available strains please click HERE. You will find Maeng Da and many other of the best kratom strains.

Bali Kratom

Bali is well-known as a hub for kratom cultivation. The Bali strain has become immensely popular. It offers very long-lasting effects. Interestingly, Bali kratom grows not just in Bali but throughout Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia. Many users prefer it for its affordable price, but the effects of mental and physical relaxation are great if you want something to ease your stress level. Most users report a very carefree feeling with Bali and even use it for pain relief. Bali kratom also suppresses your appetite which makes it exceedingly popular among people who want to lose weight.

You will find Bali in red, white, and green strains. White Bali is the most popular, but they all provide very relaxing and balanced effects. Typically, users will take one to three grams to obtain pleasing results.

Thai Kratom

Thai kratom is known to contain a concentration of various alkaloids that offer up a great deal of energy. The is reputed to boost your energy levels. Many take Thai to prevent fatigue throughout the day. This is especially true in parts of Southeast Asia where the locals work long hours performing hard labor and require a bit of a nudge to get through the day. The strain has a reputation for helping to relieve depression while enhancing the user’s mood in a positive way. Thai kratom comes in red, green, and white.

The many strains of kratom
The many strains of kratom

Borneo Kratom

Borneo is well known for cultivating the premium kratom strains referred to as ‘Borneo.’  In addition, the entire region is the biggest exporter of kratom to the world market. The Borneo strain contains remarkably high concentrations of 7-hydroxymitragynine. The alkaloids contain strong sedative qualities that users frequently compare to benzodiazepines.

Bali Kratom

Bali has a low-price tag which makes it popular, but it is also a favorable strain. Interestingly, Bali is also believed to increase and reduce appetite depending on the dosage. In many ways it is like a double-edged sword, you can use it to lose weight or gain weight, so you will need to find your sweet spot.

Most people who favor Bali tell new users to try the strain with caution until they discover exactly how it affects their bodies. What works for one person might not work as well for another. Bali often causes wobbles (the shakes) and a feeling of unsteadiness if you take too much. Therefore, stick with the lowest dose needed to sidestep the downsides to the strain.

Malaysian Kratom

The region of Malaysia is very tropical and humid. The climate is wonderfully conducive to kratom cultivation. The regional farmers have been growing the evergreen trees for centuries for kratom production. Malay strains have quickly become some of the best kratom strains available.

Malay strains have many purposes which makes them very popular with moderate to seasoned users. When used at low doses they boost energy. Users passionately believe that the strain enhances their cognitive abilities. Most kratom users like to use Malay in a quest to achieve greater focus and mental energy.

Forms of Malaysian kratom include:

  • Green Malay (also known as Super Green Malay) is an energizer that users believe improves their mood, relieves pain, and eases anxiety. The effects of this strain are very long-lasting.
  • Red Vein Malay is a powerful sedative that some users like for pain relief. It promotes relaxation and might even improve your mood.
  • White Vein Malay offer stimulation combined with energy for most users. Also, those seeking mental clarity swear by the strain.

Many Malay lovers mix the various strains together to tailor their effects to meet their own specific needs. A pinch of this mixed with that might work great for you but it is going to take experimenting to discover the perfect combination and dosage.

Best Kratom Strains
Explore the best kratom strains

Indo Kratom

Indo stands for Indonesia kratom. It has exceedingly high concentrations of alkaloids – both Mitragynine and hydroxymitragynine. This strain is a favorite for those seeking to ease stress and anxiety. The elevated levels of alkaloids create deep relaxation due to their sedative qualities.

You will find Indo strains in green, white, and red. There tailored blends increase in strength. Most users opt to use a moderate to high dose, but you should always take care to not use too much. Ideally, use a dose that fits your needs by starting out small with a low amount and increasing as needed.

Kapuas Kratom

Kapuas kratom has made the list even though it is not a natural strain but modified. Growers fashioned Kapuas from kratom strains grown throughout Southeast Asia. You will not see Kapuas kratom very often unless you shop a select premium kratom retailers. The unique kratom contains three subtypes white, red, and green. The subtypes used have remarkably high levels of Mitragynine. You will encounter Red Kapuas which is the most potent and Green Kapuas which has very moderate effects.

The average dosage of Kapuas kratom ranges from one to four grams. You will want to start out with the lowest possible dose and increase it as needed to gain the desired effects.

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Bentuangie Kratom

Bentuangie translates into a ‘tropical blend.’ It is not as popular as other kratom strains, but users often believe it helps to alleviate pain. It comes from the forests of Indonesia and is a red vein type of kratom. On rare occasions, you might encounter green, white, or even gold strains. Bentuangie is a new form of kratom that many are starting to enjoy.

If you are looking for the best kratom strain, then any of these might be good choices. At My Kratom Club, we carry premium kratom strains. Please contact us today to learn more.

24 Responses

  1. So interesting! Just like the different colors in fruits and vegetables signify specific nutrients, the color of the kratom leaf veins tells us what kind of effect it will have. Someday I would like to study herbalism officially and I’m glad I’ve been introduced to kratom by this site. I had never heard of it before. Do you know if there are any prescription or over-the-counter drugs that you shouldn’t take if you use kratom powder?

    1. Hi Nicole,

      We are happy that you found this article useful.

      We have 9 other articles that discuss kratom strains HERE that you might find interesting.

      When it comes to mixing kratom and any type of prescription medications we highly recommend speaking with your physician.

      We are knowledgeable when it comes to just about everything kratom but we aren’t doctors and everyone is so different.

      Hope at least part of this comment helps. 🙂

  2. Hi There
    Thanks for sharing your views on the best Kratom strains. It seems you have acquired quite an impressive knowledge over a period of time in the field of Kratom and we can definitely trust on you. Your every new article on Kratom increases our level of understanding a bit and we are benefited a lot. This time it was different strains of Kratom and I would like to know if some of them are used in Allopathic or homeopathic medicines?
    Warm Regards,
    Gaurav Gaur

  3. Thanks for this information on what Kratom is and how it works. It is fascinating to know that there are different strains capable of addressing so many health challenges. I see this appearing as a powder. How is it administered? Is it a tea only, or can I sprinkle it on salad or over a plate of food. I am always taking care of my health and interested in new products that might help me live a wholesome and good quality life. Thanks for this information

  4. What a great selection of Kratom that you have reviewed in depth. This is such a new product for me and I’m very interested to see if it can help with symptoms from menopause. Are there any studies that have been done on the benefits for women with these powders? This is an amazing plant with so many uses that I’m surprised that it isn’t better known.

    Thanks for all the great information.

  5. Okay, so I have never heard of Kratom or its healing properties. But after reading this article I feel like I got to get me some of this stuff. I am a firm believer in natural/herbal medicines. After all that is where medicine came from, where it all began. So it is only natural to take the moetie mother nature intended for her creatures to survive and thrive on. The different colours of the veins in the leave is extremely interesting. To know that each colour represents different strains and chemical makeups of the plants. I would definitely extract those alkaloids for the benefits of cognitive ability, relaxation and pain relief. 

  6. This is an extraordinary article showing individuals Kratom. myself, not thinking a lot about Kratom, this is an extraordinary article to get some information about it. The rundown of the best kratom strains is valuable and with great clarification of each. I like how the advantages of each are remembered for the depictions. Much thanks to you for sharing the article.

  7. I didn’t know that there were different types of Kratom strains And I didn’t know that somewhere better than others! Seriously! Thank you so much for this information. I miss admit that this product has changed my life in so many ways and I cannot stop reading about it from your articles. I’m sure you’ve seen me bounce here and they’re removing your articles and you know I love your content

  8. Every time I visit your website, I learn something new about kratom. How interesting that the different colors of the strains, are because of the alkaloid content that makes up the chemical composition. And that the red colour might be deter insects and bugs from attacking the plant. 

    Do any of these kratom strains have worse side effects than others? Or do you not really have side effects when using kratom?

    1. Line Crowley your well-thought-out thoughts are very much appreciated. 🙂

      To answer your questions.

      Based on our customer experience kratom has overall universal side effects when taken in too large of a quantity and/or by not following our general dosage guide for safety.

      There are not necessarily worse side effects per strain.

      However, some products are stronger than others and it can be easier to take too much especially if new to the plant.

      Extract tinctures and extract capsules are good examples as they are an extraction of mitragynine which is the natural active chemical compound in kratom.

      An extract capsule or liquid is a concentrated form of the herb and should be used by only experienced users.

      Kratom does have side effects when not used responsibly and we always recommend consulting your physician prior to using kratom especially if you are taking other medications and/or have current health conditions.

      You can take a look at a detailed article we wrote below which reviews the potential side effects of kratom.

      Thanks again and hope you find the answers you were looking for above.

  9. Hi. Thanks for this article. So good to find it.

    I am learning more and more about kratom every day. There are three kinds of vein kratom, that’s something I didn’t know. Also, I’m glad you explain all he kinds of kratom with detail. 

    As a person who loves taking care of her body, it is important to me that I know everything before I purchase something like this, and your articles are great sources of information

  10. HI and thank you for sharing this article with us. I love it from the 1st time I saw the tile, Kratom

    Really amaze me every time I read and I love it more and more. Kraton Strain, green white red all the colour with their significance and treatment for humankind. I have written down to look and buy the green strain as Is more as we believe, stronger. Amazing how much different kind of Kratom is, thank you.

    I do not have any experience with this topic, unfortunately.

    Do you have any idea from where to buy or is it just from amazon?

    1. Hi Angel,

      Kratom is not currently available through Amazon.

      There are vendors online you can purchase kratom from and our store as well at

      Thanks for taking the time to leave your thoughts on the best kratom strains article.

  11. Thanks for breaking down the types of kratom that are available to help me make a better choice when I’m trying to find the best kratom strains. Each of these sounds like it could be useful in the right scenario, and it’s very helpful to know what to expect from each of the different kratom strains. 

    On the flip side, are there strains that cause more trouble than they are worth? I haven’t heard of this before, but figure you are an informed person that would know if there were any strains to avoid?

    1. Kratom does not have a lot of side effects if taken responsibly in the right dosage and consulting your physician prior to use.

      There is not a strain that would cause issues as each strain is very helpful in it’s own way.

      Hope this information helps.

  12. This has been an extremely interesting page. I had never heard of Kratom before. How interesting that the plants show what type of alkaloids they contain by the color of the veins in the leaves! I am interested and I think I will order some to check it out. Do you have a recommendation for a person who is a complete newbie and who would like to try kratom for fatigue and chronic pain?

    1. Hey Lisa.

      We are so glad you asked that question. 🙂

      Kratom in general varies tremendously from person to person.

      The good news is that after reading this article you hopefully know which of the strains is the best for your personal needs.

      You can find a Kratom for Beginners guide HERE which discusses the history of the plant, the effects, general overall dosage, side effects, and expectations.

      The information provided is based on customer feedback and not an exact science and just a general guide.

      Let us know in the comments if you find the above guide useful.

  13. Since I come from the other side of the world, I only found out about kratom on your website and I am very happy with all the useful information I find about kratom here. Interestingly, the characteristics and contents are related to the origin. But, it is true that each plant is conditioned by the habitat and natural conditions where it grows.
    Thanks for the info on Maeng Da kratom, which is a leader of one of the best kratom strains.
    I wish you all the best

  14. This is a great article teaching people about Kratom.  myself, not knowing much about Kratom, this is a great article to get some knowledge about it. The list of the best kratom strains is very useful and with good explanation of each. I like how the benefits of each are included in the descriptions. Thank you for sharing the article.

  15. Hey thank you for another great article, and this time on the best kratom strains!  I have to admit, the bali strain is really good in my own opinion!  I love where it’s from, and I have had the best experiences with this strain.  I am pleased to see that you mentioned this strain in your post!

  16. Thanks for sharing this comprehensive information on different types of Kratom.

    I think that the white would be the best one to use so that you can get the full benefits and know whether it is the right product for you to use.  I think that using the strongest in small doses and building it up, is a lot more effective than a weaker red and using high doses and not getting the desired effect.  The latter way may make some people think incorrectly that it is not any good for them.

    It is interesting to note that many use it instead of coffee and that it is so widely used in Asian countries.

    I am extremely low and depressed at the moment, so I really need to give it a try, to see if it can lift my mood a bit.

  17. Thank you for sharing this article, I live in Asia but I have to say that I have never heard of this supplement before, it seems to carry great health benefits, and it’s very interesting to know that there are so many different strains, each with their own characteristics. 

    I quite like the Bali strain seeing that it has great mental and physical relaxation properties, the fact that it suppresses appetite is a bonus in my opinion. I really enjoyed this article, Thanks again!

  18. Greetings! I went through your post on the best kratom strains. I think it is a very helpful and informative post. I must agree with you that kratom is an herbal supplement that has become immensely popular around the world. But I never realized that the best kratom strains all have abundant alkaloids that boost cognitive ability and relieve pain as you clearly mentioned. thanks for sharing. I will be following your post to learn more about kratom supplements.

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