Are you wondering, ‘Does kratom actually work?’ Well, that is an open-end question because it obviously depends on why you are taking kratom whether it will work. However, the black and white answer is – yes, kratom does influence your body’s responses but the extent varies between strains.

What is Kratom?

Kratom is derived from an all-natural evergreen plant that has been used for centuries in parts of Southeast Asia. The active components found in the plant are two alkaloids referred to as 7-hydroxy mitragynine and mitragynine. Both have very powerful opioid agonist properties that are indisputably effective when ingested.

How Does Kratom Actually Work?

Kratom lab testing picture

As many as fifteen million people in the United States use kratom. Many are seeking a natural alternative treatment for pain management. The alkaloid mitragynine affects both the body’s mu and kappa opioid receptors. However, please be aware that mitragynine might have similar opioid effects but it is structurally different than common narcotic drugs. Its effects on your opioid receptors are very gentle and mild. You’ll experience no severe side effects as you do with opioids.

Kratom Vein Color Matters

If you visit an online kratom store, you’ll discover that there are many types of kratom to choose from. They are divided up by the plant’s leaf vein colors which appear as green, white, or red. The various colors have different effects on your body because they contain different levels of alkaloids.

  • Red-Vein Kratom: Without a doubt, any avid kratom user will tell you that red-veined kratom is exceptionally potent. It offers mood-lifting and discomfort-relieving reactions when you use it.
  • White-Vein Kratom: The white-vein kratom varieties are very energizing and uplifting. They even help to improve your focus so are a favorite to start your day using.
  • Green-Vein: With the green-vein varieties the effects vary and fall somewhere in the middle between red-veined and white veined plants.

History of Kratom

The indigenous populations of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand have regularly turned to kratom for centuries as a holistic medical treatment. Many who perform strenuous labor use the plant to ease pain and boost their energy so they can keep performing their back-breaking jobs. Also, locals have used it as a local anesthetic. Others take kratom to help ease a bad cough or overcome intestinal issues (diarrhea is believed to respond well to kratom).

Uses of Kratom

Historically, they would gather the kratom plant’s fibrous leaves to chew on. The body rapidly absorbs the alkaloids and they would then spit out the leaf debris within a few minutes. Also, they brew the kratom leaves like a tea to enjoy a hot cup while relishing the health benefits. Many within the various countries regularly drink kratom tea every morning in much the same way that the rest of the world uses coffee. In the evening hours, they gather with their friends and enjoy kratom tea as a social drink.

  • Pain killer
  • Energy booster
  • Anti-depressant
  • Anti-leukemic
  • Mood enhancer
  • Anti-malarial
  • Immune system stimulator
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Drug withdrawal relief
  • Blood sugar stabilizer

Additional Benefits of Kratom

All-natural kratom is brimming with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that are valued to improve the user’s health.

Using Kratom for Pain Relief

Does kratom actually work for a woman in pain at her desk picture

Kratom is an herbal supplement that is regularly used to cope with pain. Opioid based pain killers are highly addictive and deadly if taken in excess. Kratom is a natural option that does curtail the body’s perception of pain, so you suffer less. Unlike kratom which has few (if any) side effects, synthetic pain killers tend to have a very long, dangerous list of side effects.

Many are turning to kratom to treat the following forms of pain effectively:

  • Backache
  • Arthritis
  • Headache or migraine
  • Neck soreness
  • Muscle strain
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Broken bones
  • Burns
  • Scrapes
  • Damaged or torn muscles
  • Neck strain or soreness
  • Chest pain
  • Scoliosis
  • Abdominal soreness

In addition, there are other painful conditions that benefit from kratom use.

Strains for Pain Relief

Both 7 hydroxy mitragynine and mitragynine work together to relieve pain. They activate the body’s opioid delta receptors which are what respond to the body’s pain sensitivity. If you want to discover, ‘Does kratom really work?”  then you should pick very potent strains of kratom to make use of the potency of the alkaloids. Without a doubt, some strains stand out from the rest due to their alkaloid makeup.

Here are several strains that work well for pain relief. Ideally, pick ones with brilliant red veins for the most potency.

  • Bali
  • Borneo
  • Indonesian (Indo)
  • Maeng Da

Mood Stimulation

Feeling Good Picture

Mental strain can take a toll on your mood but kratom does offer the promise of relief. You might feel depressed and lack energy. Sure, you could make an appointment to go see your doctor and obtain a prescription for anti-depressants, but they have so many side effects that you balk at the idea. In fact, they often leave you walking around in a fog and unable to enjoy life. However, kratom has long been treasured due to its ability to stimulate the mood.

Historically, life in Southeast Asia was not always easy. Many struggled seven days a week to earn enough to eat through backbreaking labor. There wasn’t very much to be happy about in such circumstances. However, kratom was able to provide great inner peace and even create a sedative feeling that inspires safety. Of course, all mood stimulation effects vary between users and are highly dependent on the strain that you use.

If you want to use kratom to balance your mood, then you’ll want to find a well-balanced strain that has an acceptable percentage of alkaloids. Kratom refreshes your mood and is almost like hitting reboot. You instantly start to feel better. Also, you’ll feel far more motivated and ready to face the world. Your emotions will undergo a lift that helps smooth your mood out.

Relieving Depression

Depression can roll over a person for no apparent reason. Also, you might feel overcome with feelings of sadness. Maybe you have lost your enjoyment in life. Is it hard to get out of bed and perform daily functions? Of course, if your depression is severe then you need to see your physician as soon as possible, especially if you have fears that you might harm yourself.

Kratom has been shown to be highly beneficial at easing depression. You’ll also feel instantly motivated.

Strains used to ease depression include:

  • Thailand (Thai)
  • Maeng Da
  • Malaysian (Malay)

The common leaf colors are green and white when you want to relieve depression.

Green vein kratom is the most common strain used to ease depression.

Anxiety Relief

You might suffer from anxiety for a variety of reasons. Perhaps you are a soldier returning from active duty but plagued by Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Effective strains for anxiety include:

Borneo appears to not only help anxiety but also ease restlessness.

Using Kratom for Drug Withdrawal

As we explored in the first part of this article, kratom helps relieve pain and affects the mood. However, the plant can also help a person deal with drug withdrawal, especially from narcotics. Also, using kratom during withdrawals helps to ease the often-horrific physical symptoms experienced by those trying to get clean from drug use. In many ways, kratom eases the physical effects of drug withdrawal so that the person can finally get on their way to sobriety.

When trying to overcome drug withdrawal symptoms use:

  • Maeng Da
  • Bali
  • Maeng Da
  • Borneo
  • Indo

As a result of its potency, the vein color should be red and vibrant.  Therefore, very strong.

Kratoms Effects on the Body’s Immune System

Boost Your Immune System Picture

Users of kratom have long valued the plant supplement for its immune system boosting abilities. The plant’s alkaloids are known as immunostimulants which strengthen the body’s immune system response. As a result, users often turn to kratom to shorten a cold, the flu, or reduce a fever. Also, kratom provides the extra boost that your immune system needs to stay healthy during cold and flu season.

The four main types of alkaloids found in kratom that are immunostimulants include:

  • Mitraphylline
  • Isorhynchophylline
  • Isomitraphylline
  • Isopteropodine

Borneo and Malay are often favored for boosting the immune system.

Understanding the Effects of Kratom

There are many strains of kratom, and their potency is dictated by their alkaloids. However, whichever strain you pick, rest assured that it is potent and effective.  Also, you’ll need to learn about the different strains to determine which effects you want. Kratom is categorized under its three effects:  stimulating, sedating, or moderate effects.

You’ll experience the following:

  • Improved social interaction abilities
  • Increased libido
  • Energy boost
  • Better cognitive function and mental awareness
  • Balanced appetite
  • Greater alertness

Likewise, if you increase your dosage, then you will start to feel opiate-like effects that last for several hours.

  • Pain management
  • Calm feeling
  • Cough relief
  • Improved mental state
  • Helps reduce the symptoms of opiate withdrawal

You should always avoid taking a large dose of kratom. You could experience sedation and unconsciousness. Ideally, you should start out with a low dose and then gradually work your up. Similarly, remember that some types are more potent than others.

When asking, ‘Does kratom actually work?’  the answer is yes to varying degrees. As you can see, the strain type matters significantly and so does the dosage.