Kratom and Mississippi

Kratom and Mississippi

Last Updated on November 9, 2023

Kratom and Mississippi have been hotly debated from a legal perspective. In fact, one would think that Mississippi’s reputation as a conservative state would make kratom illegal. However, the Hospitality State has welcomed the natural supplement in many areas. In fact, state legislators have gone so far as to kill bills that have been presented that would regulate or ban kratom. To control kratom, some local governments within Mississippi have taken the laws upon themselves and outlawed the herbal substances.

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Kratom and Mississippi Laws

In the United States, we know that kratom is frowned upon by many in government and law enforcement. Depending on where you live, it might be legal, or it might not. The U.S. DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) considers it one of the ‘drugs of concern.’ The viewpoint of such a federal agency has an impact on the legalities and the passage of laws within the state of Mississippi.

What is Kratom?

Kratom is an herb that has been used for centuries by those in Southeast Asia. Historically, the leaves were chewed to obtain the alkaloid rich juice, or the leaves were brewed into a tea. The locals believe that kratom is a powerful holistic medication. Nowadays, kratom is sold as a capsule or powder. With the powder, you can mix the herb with water or in a beverage.

Kratom and Mississippi
Mississippi Kratom Bans

Kratom and Mississippi House Speaker

Times changing fast and so are laws in the bible belt state. Former Mississippi House Speaker Pro Tempore Greg Snowden of Meridian was defeated during the vote in 2019. Interestingly, the Meridian townsman and Republican reemerged as a registered lobbyist who works for the American Kratom Association. The group did not push for free and clear regulation by the state’s legislators. Instead, they wanted regulations placed on kratom so that it would become a safe product. Allowing consumers to use Kratom without worrying or in fear. In Snowden’s words, “Kratom consumers want regulation. They want a safe, unadulterated product.”

The Push to Legalize Kratom in Mississippi

On Feb 27, 2019, at the Mississippi state capital of Jackson, a bevy of physicians, recovering narcotic drug addicts, and agents from the Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics met.

They stated their cases and told their stories. Some advocates supported kratom use and others told stories about why it could harm users.

In the crowd, many work brilliant green stickers that had the slogan “Kratom saves lives” emblazoned across their shirt fronts. Their stance was to keep kratom legal but with regulations to ensure purity and prevent the herb from contamination by other controlled substances. In addition, they wanted a law in place that prevented the supplement from the use by or the sale to minors.

As of 2018, in many states, kratom remained illegal. Alabama, Indiana, Vermont, Arkansas, the District of Columbia, and Wisconsin had laws in place against the sale and use of the plant substances. In Illinois and Louisiana, the states had ban retailers from selling kratom to minors.  The group asked that Mississippi follow in the footsteps of Louisiana and Illinois.

Kratom is legal in Tennessee, but only in its natural form. Read more about Tennessee and Kratom HERE.

Kratom and Mississippi in 2020

Despite the push to legalize and regulate kratom, many counties and towns have balked at the idea. They continue to make kratom illegal. Sadly, the kratom and Mississippi laws confuse many users. As of 2020,  there are 33 counties and towns which have completely banned kratom. In addition, current legislation banning kratom in other towns and counties within the state are also positioned to rise.

Kratom and Bans

Opponents in the Magnolia State continue to oppose kratom vehemently. In 2018, a bill was pushed to ban kratom in any form but failed to pass. Later in the year, another bill was also submitted, but an amendment left out kratom from the wording. After the failure, it was decided that opponents would push to criminalize and ban kratom in the various counties and cities. Therefore, Union City and Columbus were the first and then followed by others such as in Sarasota County, Florida and San Diego California.

Kratom and Opioid Addiction

In 2019, Caledonia took the step to criminalize kratom. In about a week, Loundes County followed. Columbus City which is in Lowndes County had previously ban kratom. As the weeks passed, Alcorn County, Itawamba County, Monroe County,  and Itawamba County also banned the herbal supplement. Sadly,  Alcorn County has the highest opioid prescription count in the USA. Without a doubt, kratom could have potentially helped lower the opioid addiction problem that runs rampant in the county. However, the fear of the unknown and the misbegotten belief in false information led to a county-wide ban of kratom. In addition, Lee County started to consider launching a ban.

Where is Kratom Illegal in Mississippi?

Kratom in Mississippi
Kratom Use in Mississippi

Kratom and Mississippi’s many individual laws have become confusing for many.

Below is a list of the 33 counties that have banned kratom in the state.

However,  please check the ever-changing laws because many towns and counties have created bans recently. The law remains ever-changing.

Counties of Mississippi which ban kratom:

  • Alcorn
  • Calhoun
  • Itawamba
  • Lowndes
  • Monroe
  • Noxubee
  • Prentiss
  • Tippah
  • Tishomingo
  • Union

The towns in Mississippi with kratom bans:

  • Belmont
  • Blue Mountain
  • Booneville
  • Bruce
  • Burnsville
  • Caledonia
  • Calhoun
  • Columbus
  • Corinth
  • Derma
  • Fulton
  • Guntown
  • Iuka
  • Mantachie
  • Marietta
  • New Albany
  • Okolona
  • Oxford
  • Pontotoc
  • Ripley
  • Saltillo
  • Senatobia
  • Tishomingo
  • Vardaman

2020 Kratom Bill

Supporters of kratom continue to stand against any type of ban in Mississippi. Unfortunately, Senator Charles Younger recently sponsored a bill to categorize kratom as a Schedule 1 drug. He introduced the bill in 2020 on January 17th.

Understanding the Push for Kratom Bans

Unfortunately, many claims that kratom poses a serious and deadly danger to some users. During postmortems, lab tests revealed that kratom was present in the 12 overdose deaths.  However, Jeff McCutchen revealed that kratom might not have been the direct cause of the deaths. The misinformation and lack of facts circulating do nothing but spur fears in people unfamiliar with kratom which causes these bans. Perhaps the deceased turned to kratom to kick a severe opioid habit. Obviously, many scenarios exist which explain the kratom found in their blood. Focusing only on the kratom findings becomes misleading and only adds to the fear that people have about the relatively unknown herb.

Buying Kratom in Mississippi

If you are wondering where to buy kratom in Mississippi, then you might want to consider a smoke or vape shop. Some petrol stations also sell the herb. On rare occasions, convenience stores offer it. Typically, in such stores, the kratom sits beside the energy pills and supplements. Another option is to order kratom online from a reputable retailer and have it delivered right to your door.

Know the Laws About Kratom

Kratom and Mississippi Laws
Understanding Kratom and Mississippi Laws

Kratom and Mississippi law becomes a bit murky, especially since it changes on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis. However,  if you are unsure then visit a local vape store or smoke shop to ask about kratom. You can also contact an online retailer. Most kratom retailers stay abreast of the changing laws and will know whether they can ship kratom to your home address. However, if you are just passing through the state then research online and ask questions. As outlined above, specific towns and areas of Mississippi allow kratom and others do not.

State and Federal Laws

As with so many things, like marijuana, states make their own laws and within each state, the counties and city officials make even more laws. Don’t feel bad if you don’t understand the laws surrounding kratom and Mississippi. Kratom at a federal level remains legal but once you cross the state line things get really confusing and complicated. Union County allows no kratom use. However, in other areas, the sale of kratom remains outlawed, but you can use what you purchased elsewhere without fear of legal reprisals.

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Click Here To Buy Maeng Da Kratom Liquid Extract 10ml (Krave Kratom)

Changing the Mississippi Laws

Unfortunately, if you live in an area of Mississippi with a ban then you might feel hopeless.

Change can happen.

Who would have dreamed that the legalization of recreational marijuana would have taken place in Colorado.

Not to mention so many other states?

Many would say that miracles do in fact happen. The same changes can happen in Mississippi over time. Do you feel like a strong advocate for the herbal supplement?

It is great to see those involved with various groups that push for the legalization of kratom at the state, county, and city level.

Make your voice heard and take a stance!

Kratom has been around for centuries and its time that people start learning about it.

Anyone who resides in a legal area of Mississippi might want to order their kratom online.

At My Kratom Club, we offer a full line of premium kratom strains to meet your needs.

Ordering kratom has never been easier. Contact us today to learn more about our kratom strains!

29 Responses

  1. In California, except San Diego, kratom is legal. I don’t understand the rationale behind this. And so it goes with Mississippi. FDA must step into this issue. Just because there is no big pharma involvement in kratom’s research FDA is almost hushed. Nothing is being done despite the obvious benefits. A similar situation with CBD comes to mind. Despite its many benefits, FDA has to approve one CBD-based medicine just because it is manufactured by a big pharma company. All the other CBD forms are still being frowned at. Bureaucracy is working at its best is what it is.

  2. I like your site, it is simple and clear.  I like the soft colors, relaxing ambiance. The tabs brings you to the the right place easily.  This is great way to shop during the COVID-19 pandemic.  I am sure you will be successful.

      I never heard of kratom before.  Do you sell in Canada?

    1. Thanks Maryse for the compliments on the site.

      Unfortunately we do not sell Kratom to Canada nor internationally.

      The laws in Canada and other countries are quite vague.

      If you’re interested you can check out our article on the legality of Kratom domestically and internationally by clicking HERE

      – MKC.

  3. I had never heard of Kratom before your post, so you have enlightened me on that subject. I guess the more popular drugs get all the attention. A little study and found out that it is illegal in my country, though it is still being imported under the guise of green tea. Something the government may start looking into.

    I can understand chronic pain sufferers wanting some release from the symptoms they face. It can be a fine line between a solution and a problem. One must take into account the negative effects that it could cause the individual and the harm they could afflict onto others while on the drug. 

    1. Hi Johan,

      Thanks for stopping by and providing your insight.

      Kratom is actually not a drug but powder from a plan in its all natural form.

      There are a few states that classify it as a drug but most important it is not classified as a controlled substance by the federal government.

      Please take a look HERE to learn more about the all natural supplement.

      – MKC

  4. If only people can control the amount of usage. I didn’t know that Kratom is an herb that can be used in such good ways in Southeast Asia. Never gotten the chance of tasting it, squeezing it into my tea. I will give it a try if I get a chance. I can only imagine the similarity of relaxation I got it from chamomile, but maybe 2-3 times better or more? It is really good for people who don’t know how to relax their body, some are overwork, too obsessive over certain things in life. Relaxation by using Kratom might be able to help therapists to heal their patients faster. Doctors and therapists get more control of prescribing kratom as a healing supplement will be even great for patients. 

  5. I have no idea what it is or what it does. Even after reading your post I am still no wiser. But then I am not from America. 

    Anyway it seems to be a divisive issue with you people. I am never for banning things, but certain elements of society mean that some things will always come with regulations regarding its supply and use. 

    I hope this works out in a sensible way.

    1. Hi Michael,

      We truly appreciate your honesty and with your feedback we are going to be sure we add some additional information in regards to the background of Kratom in this article. 🙂

      For the time being check out our quick description of What Kratom is HERE.

      – MKC

  6. It is wonderful to know the remarkable multiple benefits of kratom. Sure, it needs regulation in state and national level which always is slow. Everyone wishes it to be faster but it is not for a reason.

    It is helpful to know where it is banned. I am wondering is it legal if is procured from convenience stores. How does one test the efficacy?

    My little sister is in so much pain suffering from fibromyalgia, I wish she try it out for pain relief. 

    1. Hi Anusuya,

      We definitely agree regulation is very important for Kratom. Especially in Mississippi where there certain cities and counties where it is banned.

      There are many states that are now implementing regulation with the help of the American Kratom Association.

      Convenient store do sell Kratom but we highly recommend staying away from those types of vendors.

      We feel it is always best to buy from a vendor that knows a lot about the product, stores it correctly, and only carries well known name brand products.

      Kratom has shown to truly help our customers with Fibromyalgia.

      We base the effectiveness from the thousands of customers we serve.

      Their life changing stories are truly amazing!

      – MKC

  7. It seems like it’s good old fearmongering more than anything else that’s pushing for the ban of kratom. As a Libertarian, my principle has always been the same – it’s your body, do what you want with it as long as you aren’t harming others or putting others’ lives at risk. It’s why I’ve always pushed for the legalization of marijuana as well.

    I’m not a fan of anything being heavily regulated by governments because I view them as a monopoly who in turn, have no overseers – I know this view is frowned upon by both the Right and Left – but I’ve always believed in market regulation – in other words, the consumer regulates the market by purchasing products from a wide range of competition. The same would be akin to kratom, marijuana, and anything else perpetual propaganda against a particular product may bring. 

    Hopefully, the debate ends and kratom becomes legalized, and ditto for any other substance. Again, my principle is that people should do what they want as long as there’s no harming others’ lives. Harm as in, endangering those lives. 

  8. Hi Kimberly,

    It never seizes to amaze me, the governments banning natural health products. I have done my research on kratom and just like anything, if taken as directed it is not going to cause any problems. Any natural remedy like kratom, should be made legal has it does not have the nasty side effects, as many of the prescription medication’s do. I personally would rather buy kratom online, rather than anyplace in Mississippi. I am glad to see that kratom is legal in Tennessee. It took Canada to finally legalize the sale of cannabis on October 17/ 2018, but they are still having problems.

    I do have a question and that is: Is it possible for me to purchase kratom in Ontario, Canada? What would the restrictions I would face, if I were to buy from an online store? Thank you.

    Best wishes,


    1. We could not agree more Lesabre.

      As far as Canada.

      That is a bit sticky when it comes to the laws on Kratom.

      It is legal to buy and possess but illegal to consume.

      For that reason we are unable to ship to Canada and we currently do not do any international shipping.

      Hopefully the laws around the world will become more clear when it comes to Kratom.

      – MKC

  9. Hi, thanks for sharing this article about the best kratom and Mississippi. From what I have read , it was said that kratom is a herb which can be in powder form or capsules form and it can be used to relieve pain , improve mood and help with cognition function. If so why did Mississippi ban it if it is medicinal to the health.

    1. Hi Sophia,

      We wish we had the exact answer to that question. Mississippi is all over the place when it comes to being able to legally possess the product and use it. Some counties are okay and others are not.

      Hopefully soon Kratom will be allowed all throughout Mississippi.

      For now it will remain a mystery to us why each county has its own rules in regards to Kratom.

      – MKC

  10. Thanks for this interesting read. There are a lot of herbal remedies out there usually of Asian heritage. Some of these are actually able to offer some really good benefits but there are concerns associated with them. Some of these include safety concerns and like you mentioned – Fear of the unknown. I do think it if might get legalised in more places eventually as people move to more herbal medicines. But I do think it will be in a controlled setting. Herbal medicines have so much potential and kratom could be specifically useful in tackling opioid withdrawal like you mentioned. I believe its only a matter of time before bans will be lifted as long as governments know that they will have control over distribution and use.

  11. Thank you so much for sharing with us such a beautiful article. Finding a very good article does not come by easily so I must commend your effort in growing such a stunning internet site and mentioning an article to help others with good facts like this. Kratom is really new to me and I am happy to have Known a lot before trying it out and about Mississippi Laws. If you don’t mind, I will share this article on my social media account. Thanks

  12. In more ways than one, the push for the legalization of Kratom in Mississippi reminds me of the hurdles we had to overcome in California to get marijuana legalized for recreational use.

    I am in support of unbanning kratom in light of the proactive benefits derived from its use to relieve pain, improve mood and help with cognitive function catering to a broad spectrum of physical, emotional and mental diseases.

    Another valid reason why Kratom should be unbanned is in its use to lower opioid addiction problem that is ravaging our country and costing the government colossal sums of money to combat

    Finally, I support unbanning Kratom because it would stop the sequence of changing laws that confuse both residents and visitors alike.

  13. It’s a fascinating article and one that begs ongoing discussion. Unfortunately, I feel that the authorities and government institutions are missing a ‘trick’ in a similar way that they did with CBD oil. 

    Would we look on this and represent it as ‘fear of the unknown’ ? I wonder though. How can so many in positions of power, not be aware of the good that Kratom can do. It is unlike any other substance and yet it becomes ‘tarred with the same brush’ as some very destructive drugs.

    From a mercenary aspect, would it not be better to legalise and regulate ? A constant quality supply that could be used both medicinally and recreationally would offer the possibility of an endless tax revenue. 

  14. Some of the things going on in the world today seem very crazy indeed and the Kratom controversy is one of them. I get the feeling that there is a lot of political maneuvering behind the scenes and that the Kratom issue is a smokescreen.

    You mentioned opioid addiction, but you should have pointed out that a lot of it comes from prescription sources. There is such vengeance meted out by law enforcement in America, against illegal drugs (really just a war on black people), while the general public are the biggest drug users in the world. The whole medical industry was founded on pushing drugs. Founded around 1910 by JD Rockefella when he along with a rich mate abolished the way medicine was practiced up until that point, replacing it with drugs made from petrochemicals. That’s how he made his fortune. He was a major share holder of Standard Oil shares. The share price went through the roof. He waged a war on anyone who practiced holistic medicine, getting most people to think of them as quacks. Some of them were even thrown in jail and 80% of the medical schools were forcibly shut down.

    There most likely isn’t much wrong with Kratom, but good luck getting it accepted if you’re going to argue that it’s holistic medicine. It was an interesting summery you gave and the Club sounds like a responsible operation.


  15. I can tell that this is a really good one. I should first commend the input of effort in making this superb website with nice features and also writing an article on kratom and mississippi. i have been following up with your articles but this particular one threw me off balance. is there another relating article?

    1. Hey Benny,

      Thanks for stopping by. We do have another article that talks about Kratom domestically and around the globe. You can read that article HERE.

      Hope that helps.

      – MKC

  16. This is interesting and timely as I was just watching a youtube video of Joe Rogan discussion Kratom with his guest Hamilton Morris. I wasn’t super familiar with legislation around the world but found their discussion to be informative (like your post), but with more of a world-wide look at the legality and usage of kratom. I think you’d find it interesting given your area of expertise!

    Thanks for sharing!

  17. Hello there! This is an amazing article you’ve got here, I must commend your efforts in providing a reliable and efficient informations about kratom. In my opinion, those countries placing ban on kratom might not be wrong because what’s good for one might not be good for another.

     Thanks for sharing!

  18. Thanks for giving us a fantastic article. Kratom is a powerful holistic medication.I learned more about kratom and Kratom and Mississippi by reading your post. I learned how to use it. It is very beneficial for us to live a healthy life. Sadly, the kratom and Mississippi laws confuse many users.there are 33 counties and towns which have completely banned kratom.I don’t support these rules.It helps me to live healthy. Kratom is used to relieve pain, improve mood, and help with cognitive function.It is very useful for us.I want to buy a Kratom.It helps me to have an enjoy-full life.
    This post is very helpful for every person I will share this post on my social media.

  19. i was still very tender and young when i learn a bit about mississippi and i have gotten more knowledge now. The fact that i have learnt something really tangible from this post is very satisfying. The build of your website is nice and the simplicity of the color selection makes it so beautiful. Thank you very much.

  20. Kratom most certainly is a controversial supplement and it looks like in Mississippi there is a lot of division at all levels as to whether it is a panacea for lots of health issues or the devil’s invention that we all need to stay far away from. This is much the same at a national level too from what I have read.

    Based on all the different rules and laws that have been put in place at varying levels, I can see how the people using Kratom would want to keep up. They could potentially be breaking the law just by going from one town to another, or one county to another. 

    Do you see there being any solution coming for this or is it something that consumers will just have to deal with for years? It would be nice if on some level one set of rules was decided on that all the lower-level governments could be forced to comply with. I bet this situation is the same in many parts of the country.

    1. HI Dave.

      Thanks for the thoughtful comment. 

      It is tough to say as far as the laws and regulations from state to state, town to town, and county to county.

      The American Kratom Association is a great organization that is always fighting for Kratom to be regulated and to really keep a close eye on the organization I would recommend checking out their website HERE.

      – MKC

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