Kratom and Withdrawal

Kratom and Withdrawal

Last Updated on September 18, 2024

Kratom is an herbal supplement derived from the tropical evergreen tree Mitragyna speciosa. It has been used for centuries in Southwest Asia where it grows wild. However, as with all good things,  if you use the herb in excess then you get hooked and your body becomes dependent on the plant’s natural alkaloids. Kratom and withdrawal symptoms take their toll when you finally decide to stop or cut back on your usage.

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Is Kratom Legal?

Currently, kratom is legal at a federal level throughout the United States. However, some towns or counties have put regulations in place to stop the sale and use of the herb but in most places, it remains perfectly legal for adult use.

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) does not list kratom as a controlled substance. However, even though the DEA turns a blind eye to the herbal supplement, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does monitor the importation and distribution of kratom. The FDA will detain and deny kratom shipments if they think that the herb could contain potential toxins that could harm the user.

The Alkaloids of Kratom

The plant fibers of kratom are brimming with alkaloids that stimulate while offering pain-relieving and cognitive altering benefits. Many use the plant to overcome withdrawals from opiates. The alkaloids found in kratom work on the same receptors in the human body as opiates which are why many believe that it can prove beneficial in overcoming the withdrawal symptoms.

Coping with Kratom and Withdrawal

If you have regularly used kratom then you might face withdrawals if you suddenly stop using the herbal supplement because your body has become adapted to the alkaloids found in the plant. Research has shown that it takes large doses of kratom daily to cause severe withdrawals if you suddenly stop using the herb. If you are a light to a moderate user then you should not have to worry about kratom and withdrawal problems.

Excessive Kratom Use and Withdrawal Symptoms

One study carried out about kratom withdrawal,  looked at heavy kratom users in Malaysia. All appeared dependent on the herb. The users would ingest the kratom at excessively high doses daily. When they stopped using kratom, it was found that 65 percent suffered what relatively mild withdrawal symptoms, and 35 percent went through severe withdrawal symptoms. This percentage is far more than the nine percent of users in the United States who suffer from withdrawal symptoms after stopping heavy kratom use.

Obviously, there are many cultural discrepancies. The users in Malaysia were excessively heavy kratom users which are rare in the U.S. The patterns of use are vastly different between the two countries.

Symptoms of Kratom Withdrawal
Symptoms of Kratom Withdrawal

Nonetheless, below are the common symptoms of excessive use of kratom and withdrawals:

  • Excessive sweating
  • Muscle Aches
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Insomnia
  • Muscle aches
  • Headache
  • Cravings
  • Tremor
  • Fatigue
  • Watering eyes
  • Red eyes
  • Runny hose
  • Hot flashes
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Restless legs

Timeline for Kratom Withdrawal

If you are a heavy kratom user and you stop using kratom then you could develop withdrawal symptoms in 12 to 48 hours as the herb leaves your system. However, kratom withdrawal does not last a long time. In most users, the symptoms slow and completely disappear within three days.

Coping with Kratom Withdrawal

You can suffer from a mild addiction to anything. Many people have a caffeine addiction and suffer from withdrawals when they stop consuming coffee or energy drinks. If you regularly overuse something, then your body starts to expect it. If you do not give your body what it expects then you could have withdrawals. This is the same scenario with kratom. If you regularly overuse the herb and take an excessive dose, then you might face kratom withdrawal. Without a doubt, suddenly ceasing the use of kratom can lead to problems. However, if you are abusing the herbal supplement then you should abstain and get clean.

How to Stop Kratom?

If you have regularly been using an excessive amount of kratom then you must choose to stop cold turkey or slow down. With cold turkey, you obviously just vow to stop all kratom use. However, you can simply taper off your dose so you do not experience any severe withdrawals and you can continue to use the herb.

Tapering Off Your Kratom Use

Tapering off your dose slowly refers to taking a reduced amount of the herb less frequently.  This option to combat using kratom and withdrawals involves slowing down over several weeks. It is not immediate or overnight, but it does give the body time to adjust. As your body learns how to cope without kratom, you will not feel any real withdrawal symptoms. Ideally, this is a perfect choice if you want to stop using kratom.

Going Cold Turkey

If you decide to stop cold turkey, then you might start to experience withdrawal symptoms like the ones listed above. However, please remember that everyone is different. There is no real way to know how dependent your body is on kratom. Many users, even heavy users, never develop any form of kratom dependence and if they stop then they do not go through withdrawals. Everyone’s body chemistry is different.

How to Cope with Kratom Withdrawals?

Understanding Kratom and Withdrawl
Understanding Kratom and Withdrawal

If you know your body, then you probably have a window into the future and if you are going to face withdrawals. They do not sneak up on you but are a side effect of excessive kratom use over an exceptionally long time period.

Here are a few steps that you should take to cope with kratom:

  • Meet with your doctor to discuss possible withdrawal symptoms when you stop using kratom. Your doctor might suggest certain medications that help transition your body from using kratom. The meds could alleviate potential problems such as diarrhea, anxiety, or nausea.
  • Use over-the-counter medications to ease any stomach upset, headache, insomnia, or diarrhea that might occur when you suddenly stop using kratom.
  • Go for a brisk walk or exercise to overcome any withdrawal symptoms. Exercise lifts your mood and gets your heart pumping, so you feel better.
  • Hydrate to ease any dehydration which might lead to a headache or muscle aches.
  • Take a hot shower or bath to relax and boost your mood. The water will also soothe any aching muscles. Never underestimate the power of hydration therapy.
  • Stay busy to take your mind off your body and any possible cravings.
  • Keep a journal where you can share what you are feeling or any physical problems that you might undergo. The journal helps to calm you and take your mind off your body’s response to the lack of kratom.
  • Eat a healthy diet filled with fruits and vegetables.
  • Rest and relax so your body has time to heal and come to terms with how it will function without an excess of kratom.

Is Kratom Withdrawal Dangerous?

Unlike opiate withdrawal, kratom withdrawal is not dangerous. In fact, it is usually very mild, and you will require no special medication to make it through the upheaval. However, if you have been using kratom while pregnant then you should discuss stopping the herb with your physician. In some studies, infants have been observed born suffering from kratom withdrawal.

Understanding Kratom Tolerance

If you frequently use the same strain of kratom then you can build up a kratom tolerance. Many users’ alternate strains to prevent kratom tolerance from occurring. However, if you have not taken these steps then your body will start to build up a tolerance to the herb and it will take an increased dosage to continue gaining the same effects and physical benefits. Sadly, this is a road to dependence.

If you go overboard on the kratom dosage, then your body will adapt and build a tolerance. It will take more and more kratom to gain the same effects. Over time, you might never feel the effects of kratom again if you do not detox and avoid using the herb for a while.

Kratom is a Popular Herbal Supplement
Kratom is a Popular Herbal Supplement

If you enjoy taking the herbal supplement kratom but you worry about kratom and withdrawals, then all you must do is avoid abusing the substance. Do not use an excessive amount of kratom over a long period of time. Also, alternate strains so you do not develop tolerance and feel the need to increase your dose. If you never abuse kratom then you will not be faced with coping with withdrawals.

Kratom is a widely used herbal supplement around the world. Very few individuals abuse the plant material. Instead, they use it in moderation and as needed. Keeping your kratom dose low and not using it too frequently will prevent your body from developing a dependence.

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As with anything, if you follow the suggested dosage for kratom and keep it low then you will have no problems using the herb. However, for some kratom and withdrawal are a problem if you have started to use the herb every day at high doses.

If you would like to learn more about kratom or check out our many strains then please contact us at My Kratom Club.

29 Responses

  1. Greetings – I am not a kratom user but from other readings, it sounds like something that has good in it. But, unfortunately, too much of a good thing is a bad thing and we must be careful not to abuse substances even if they are natural. I didn’t know that kratom was addictive. Does it make sense to take kratom or CBD as an overall preventative measure or only for a specific condition?

    1. Hi Nathaniel,

      Thanks for stopping by. Kratom can be addictive just like sugar, coffee, and many other vices.

      If taken responsibly it can really change lives for the better. 

      Our customers use Kratom for chronic pain, depression, sleep disorders and many other ailments.

      It is not recommended to use Kratom without a specific condition.

      Hope this information helps.

      – My Kratom Club

  2. Thank you 

    This article about Kratom is very educational although at first reading it I was very scared as I never thought that you could get addicted to a herb such as this. The different strains and how to withdrawal was very intriguing as I have never been somebody who was addicted to anything. Whilst the benefits of Kratom are healthy I wondered what how much is a good dose that you should be taking without becoming addicted?

    Thanks again

    1. Imelda,

      Glad you learned about Kratom and Withdrawal.

      The symptoms discussed here are not an issue if taken responsibly.

      Click HERE for a dosage guide that should hopefully provide you a deeper understanding of general dosage.

      Any other questions we are here to help.

      – My Kratom Club

  3. This review was a great worthwhile read because it got my mind brainstorming in the direction of research. Kratom has some properties that should warrant additional research and case studies. The stories you share are a great way to enrich lives, both with gaining awareness and offering support for someone with a serious medical problem whether it be addiction and withdrawals from the herb or the ailment for which they sought relief.

    One thing I am curious about after reading the first time on your website. Have you learned about any studies of interactions with other medication, treatments or adverse drug events from Kratom? I haven’t met anyone who has taken this that I know of, are there similar symptoms and signs that people have inder the influence of other drugs?

    A concerning part I thought of is the example of other medications which are scheduled on the control substance list. Like, Fentanyl for example… one chemical structure may change and not be listed as illegal but still have the power to kill an elephant. Now that we are talking about a proverbial elephant in the room…would this be a potential to be placed on the control substance list with marijuana becoming decriminalized? I can’t imagine if this became more popular that people should suffer alone or in silence withdrawing from something society doesn’t yet understand. These are just my initial thoughts. I hope my notes will find you well.


    Nurse Becca

    1. Nurse Becca,

      Your detailed comment is much appreciated and your questions are well thought out.

      We want to answer them as best as we can to help others reading these comments.

      Kratom and withdrawal symptoms can be enhanced when used with other medications and drugs.

      If you are taking other medications we want to be sure you check with your physician prior to taking this supplement and that they approve.

      Take a look HERE which discusses more about Kratom, its side effects, and other information.

      If you would like you can also learn more about Kratom and the different strains and how they effect most people.

      IN addition you can take a look at our article HERE which talks about Kratom and legality.

      Thanks again for taking the time to leave such a thoughtful comment.

      – My Kratom Club

  4. After reading about some of the side effects and the withdrawal you go through, an individual would have to be strong willed not to over do it with this product. I agree that even though the side effects are not as bad as some other medication that would be hard to quit. I believe this product would be far safer than some of the drugs being taken today and is a better alternative for health problems.

    1. HI Sterling,

      You make a very valid point about Kratom and withdrawal as it can be a bit tricky for those that do not have a good amount of self discipline.

      You can take a look at our general dosage guide HERE that we always recommend to know how to take Kratom safely.

      – MKC

  5. Hello there, there are so many products that are out there and are not made of organic products and after usage they end up causing some really bad side effects on the individual which they can’t handle and have to seek medical care for it. This is why I am a big fan of Kratom for it’s organic ingredients. I would love to try some of its products for my back pain that comes often

    1. HI Bella,

      Happy you would like to try our available all natural products.

      Please be sure to take a look at as much of the information within our blog section HERE as it is important to not mix medications with Kratom unless approved by your physician. We are a big proponent of taking Kratom in a responsible and safe manner to prevent complications and any Kratom withdrawal symptoms.

  6. This is quite interesting atricle, well researched as you obviously know your material well. I enjoyed the safe way you presented it, and I am already thinking of
    a couple of friends that might be able to use this as an alternative to what they are using for pain. How good of a pain killer is Kratom? Do you have to take more
    as much as might make you addicted to get rid of pain?

    1. HI Joss,

      Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read our article about Kratom and Withdrawal. Yes, Kratom is something that many use to really help to alleviate chronic pain. If not used responsibly it can become addictive like anything else. It is from the coffee family so we think of how much coffee is addicting to so many people.

      Take a look at our bog HERE to read more about Kratom. We have several articles covering dosage, ailments, cooking, and many others.

      Apologize for the long winded response.

      Hopefully that answered your question.

      – MKC

  7. I have never tried alkaloids, but I really learn something from this post with Kratom as Herbal Supplement. It’s a Thorough, detailed well written review of Kratom & Withdrawal with good relevant headlines and sincere textual content.  

    It can be difficult to find your links like “withdrawals from opiates”, “Study” and “Contact us”. Because they are not highlighted. I have to follow the text with my cursor to find them. If I only read the text, I never find them?

    Thank you for a good relevant review

  8. Just like with any drugs, the usage dependence develops with time and if care is not taken, one can start to exhibit the withdrawal symptoms if they are not used. though as harmless as kratom is, the danger of using it too much as you have pointed out here is really not good and people should try to use it in the jurisdiction of the need and not to be dependent on the use. Thanks

  9. Well, what can I say but weldone here. This information is just fabulously written and I have been able to learn something new from this post. I am still wondering though why some places have decided to put something like this on the illegal tag. It really is helping a whole lot of people. Well I guess they might be trying to help certain people.

    1. Great point Payton. Kratom is in a grey area due to the FDA going back and forth on wanting to ban the powder.

      The positive is that if purchased by a reputable vendor and also purchasing a name brand product, it will be tested and in it’s natural form.

      Those that feel they need to alter the all natural substance can really damage the reputation of this product.

      – MKC

  10. Hi

    Thanks for this great post on Kratom. We need more posts like this spreading awareness on herbal products like Kratom I believe. This is the need of the Covid-19 pandemic the world is going through.

    Ofcourse, there are certain side effects of Kratom, but when compared to the side effects of allopathic drugs they are much less. Everyone should surely try out such herbal products.

    I would definitely try this out.

    Thanks again

  11. The fact that Kratom is made from herbs makes it fine with me but it’s a normal thing for human body to get adapted to a particular intake that has been repeated a lot of times and most times, it’s always hard to stay off these things. It’s true that Kratom can be adaptive and it may cause issues when stopped suddenly by a heavy user. Withdrawal should be taken seriously in order to be able to stay off it.

  12. Withdrawal can be quite an ordeal. The more kratom one uses, the higher their threshold goes which means a need for higher doses. Although the symptoms of withdrawal are not severe, they can be quite an inconvenience especially when you need to be productive. Thank you for sharing the details clearly and in an unbiased way. 

  13. I have been researching various possible treatments for anxiety and landed on your page after researching Kratom. This supplement however isn’t available to me as it is illegal to import it to the U.K. It’s good that you have highlighted all the possible negative affects the product could have, which will enable people who do have access to it more informed. 

     Have you used the supplement yourself? If so did you find it beneficial to you? 

    A very informative article. Thanks for sharing.

  14. This was something that I have never heard off before. There is so much going on. Is Kratom something like tobacco? Where people grow it but it is not actually good for health. The article was very detailed and It was very easy to understand, so you can use it but not get hooked to it right?

  15. Thank you for sharing a lovely, informative article with us. The chief item of this article is Kratom and Withdrawal. It is truly amazing that you covered this subject so well in your post. I’ve learned a lot from reading your post and gained a lot of knowledge about it. I like the alkaloids of kratom of the points in your article.

    I have read and enjoyed your article so I would like to share your article with my friends by sharing it in the Facebook group so that everyone can know about Kratom and withdrawal and gain knowledge about it.

  16. Wow! With excessive use comes the tendencies for withdrawal symptoms and all. Well! I personally like the fact that we can make the best use of the kratom but kratom heavy use can cause dependence. Wow! I never would have thought that this could be possible. Thanks you so much for sharing here.

  17. Wow, thanks a lot for summarizing such an amazing review about Kratom and all this useful explanation given.
    I found many articles on the internet but I can say that it is among the best. For me it is the first time I find out that Kratom can cause addiction. So far I have used kratom as a supplement because it helps me a lot in my daily activity in the gym, in recovery and avoiding injuries. Do you think I should worry?

  18. Thank you for writing such a transparent article. I love how forthcoming you are regarding your products and safety concerns. This shows that My Kratom Club truly cares about the wellbeing of their patients. After reading this, I’m even more certain that with you I’m in good hands. I’ll be sure to look into your products now. Kratos sounds very interesting!

  19. After reading a previous article of yours, I decided I would like to try Kratom for some pain relief and to hopefully be able to get off of a certain anti-depressant.

    These side effects from Kratom withdrawals are far less than the side effects of the drugs that I currently take for health reasons. If the Kratom works the way I understand it to, a few mild side effects from withdrawal would be nothing.

    Thanks for sharing the information. I still plan to use Kratom as I see it as a safer alternative to the harsh prescription medications I currently take.

  20. Again, it is clear to me that I have been unaware of another herb that could help, but also when overused, can cause some problems.  I had never before heard of Kratom.  This sounds like another of the many plant-based products that could have many uses for healing when used in moderate amounts.  As we learn about other options for some of the conditions we have, we can become less dependent on the chemical formulas that make up the normal treatment for so many minor issues.  I don’t know about you, but when a Dr tells you that you must take a prescription every day for the rest of your life, I get cold chills!  

    Does research prove the usefulness of Kratom?  Where do people buy it?  Have you used Kratom?   Which kind works best for pain control?  Thanks for the interesting article about a new product to me.

  21. Hello there, Thanks for sharing this awesome article I know it would be of great help to the public as it has been of help to me.i have been using Kratom for some weeks now and I must tell you it has been a very smooth experience with lots of positive results. I never knew about this withdrawal stuff so I would up myself under check when it comes to usage so as not to have problems later.

  22. This was a most interesting read, and although I haven’t heard of anyone I know who has suffered from a Kratom dependency, I know quite a few people who have come off of one or another type of drug.

    Just seeing and hearing about all the withdrawal symptoms is enough to stop me from even trying any of the drugs, and I really admire people who are strong enough to go cold turkey and suffer and survive all the withdrawal symptoms that go with it.

    I know smoking is another terrible one to give up on. I was surprised to read that Kratom as used to help people with withdrawal symptoms in some cases.

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