Last Updated on November 9, 2023
In some parts of the world, such as the U.S., kratom might seem like a relatively new herbal supplement but it is a holistic plant that has been used for centuries. Kratom leaves are obtained from an evergreen tree known as the Mitragyna speciosa. The tropical tree belongs to the coffee family (rubiaceae) and grows naturally throughout much of Thailand and many parts of East Asia. Life-changing kratom benefits have been coveted by the locals for centuries who chew the leaves or brew them into tea. Depending on the strain, the plant’s leaves act as a stimulant or depressant comparable to a neurological narcotic.
Table of Contents
Life-Changing Kratom Effects
You might be wondering about the rumored life-changing kratom effects. Kratom triggers and effects the narcotic receptors found within the brain which help to relieve pain.
The plant’s alkaloids have a remarkably similar effect on the body as prescribed opiates.
However, the holistic supplement has few – if any- side effects when used properly.
The Power of Kratom Alkaloids
Unlike controlled substances, kratom depends on alkaloids for potency. However, the effects are remarkably similar. Many people turn to it for potential pain-relieving qualities which many consider similar to morphine, oxycodone, or hydrocodone.
Traditionally, most considered Mitragynine the active alkaloid found in the plant but further research in 2002 revealed that there were additional active alkaloid ingredients that all complement each other.
Although Mitragynine leads in sheer volume within the plant’s vascular system and fibers, other alkaloids also exist and vary in quantity depending on the strain.
The leaves contain over twenty-five known alkaloids and forty compounds with Mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine standing out as the lead players.
Mitragynine in Kratom
In the 1970s, the pharmaceutical industry researched the medical benefits of the alkaloid Mitragyna.
The scientific study was unable to find a viable use for kratom which spurred the controversy around the plant.
However, despite the decades-old study – millions around the world extensively use kratom and have for centuries. In fact, three to five million Americans use kratom every year as an herbal supplement.
Additional Research Surrounding Kratom
In 2002, researchers in Japan tested the active organic compound 7-hydroxymitragynine found in kratom. They were so impressed that they filed a patent for medical derivatives of Mitragynine. The newer research models have spurred renewed interest in kratom as a viable supplement that has the potential to help many ailments.
Discovering Kratom
The tropical tree has risen to fame as a holistic herb used for centuries. In recent decades East Asian students, workers, and professionals have started to widely use kratom to improve their focus and concentration. Also, white, and green strains are reputed to enhance endurance. The possibilities seem endless. Chronic pain sufferers, drug addicts, and those looking improve their overall health are now exploring the often life-changing benefits of kratom.
Opioid Addiction and Kratom
In recent years, especially in the United States, an opioid problem has become a serious health issue. In most cases, over-prescribed opioids have spurred the addictions. Sadly, many are seeking ways to kick the habit, but the withdrawals experienced from narcotic addiction are often overwhelming and the addict returns to again abusing the drugs. In recent years, many are turning to kratom as a possible coping supplement to get them through the rough times of withdrawal.
Students and Kratom
The scientific jury remains out on whether kratom can improve a person’s cognitive abilities. However, some students will swear that when they use kratom their concentration is better, and they can more easily retain information for future tests and exams.
The Use of Kratom in America
In America, kratom remains relatively new compared to other herbs like cannabis which are more widely used. However, in its native homeland of East Asia within countries like Thailand, Malaysia, and Siam, kratom has been used for centuries. Workers would regularly chew the leaves because of the believed increase in energy and stimulation. Also, during social events, it is not uncommon to brew a pot of kratom tea for everyone to sip together. Depending on the location, locals often use kratom in meaningful festivals.
Kratom Strains Vary
Nowadays, in the U.S. kratom has become a popular herb sold by online retailers, at smoke shops, and dispensaries.
Holistic health professionals hunt out the herbal supplement because it is rumored to not only ease the pain but also for fever, polytechnic disease, and diarrhea. Please remember, depending on the strain, there will be varying degrees of the alkaloids so one strain might work well for some things and another strain for something else. Also, the effects of the strains vary among users. What works great for one person might not for another.
Building up a tolerance is often a problem so users will alternate strains to always keep their bodies guessing and to avoid kratom tolerance.
Health Advantages of Kratom
Kratom is a misunderstood herbal supplement. Many people claim that it performs a wide array of physical benefits but the health advantages of kratom remain only a rumor and not fact. Some users might fall in love with kratom and others can take it or leave it. Everyone’s body chemistry is different. Also, please remember that strains vary greatly. You will want to only purchase premium kratom too and avoid any inferior products to maximize the effects of the herb.
Life-Changing Kratom Benefits and Pain Relief
The alkaloids in kratom could act as an analgesic. They trigger the same narcotic receptors located in your central nervous system as opioids. When stimulated, the narcotic receptors discharge endorphins and enkephalins that numb your pain receptors to dull your perception of discomfort. Sufferers of joint pain, degenerative joint diseases, and other chronic painful conditions often try kratom in the hopes of gaining relief. The most potent strains to experiment with are Maeng Da, Red, and Bali strains.
Using Kratom for Addictions
As mentioned, kratom works on the body’s narcotic receptors just like opioids. Addicts trying to cope with the withdrawals brought on from chronic opioid use to the herbal compound. Kratom can activate the supraspinal letter and the delta narcotic receptors located in the brain. Such receptors are reputed to curb cravings that occur during detox. Also, the symptoms of narcotic withdrawal such as vomiting, cramps, nausea, mood upheaval, anxiety, and wakefulness may respond to the herb to help create a smoother transition through the narcotic withdrawal stages.
It additionally helps scale back the symptoms of narcotic withdrawal-like cramps, vomiting, nausea, wakefulness, and pain, along with elevating the users’ mood with its anti-anxiety action. Studies have shown kratom could prove beneficial in addicts overcoming their dependence on diacetylmorphine.
Learning to Reduce Stress, Anxiety, and Depression
Do you have a lot of stress in your life? Perhaps you suffer from anxiety or depression. Many who are looking for ways to improve their mental and emotional help turn to kratom to try to facilitate calm. Also, kratom acts as a psycho-stimulant that releases endorphins and 5-hydroxytryptamine which have been shown to enhance mood.
Anxious thoughts send your mind racing so the goal is always to create calm in the storm by curtailing the response and easing tension. Kratom appears to provide a confident feeling and might even make you more sociable which are perks to your mental health.
Anxiety and hysteria are difficult to live with. You could have muscle cramps, sleep disorders, heart palpitations, sweating, hyperventilation, and more. Also, mood swings, feelings of chronic stress, and panic attacks all make life difficult. To ease such responses, many are turning to kratom for relaxation of both the mind and body. However, the results always vary and depend on the strain used and the quality of the herb. In addition, kratom users should factor in dosage when trying to gain crucial results.
Productivity and Kratom
To unleash your productivity and creativity, you might want to explore kratom. Many users believe that the alkaloids and 7-hydroxy Mitragynine are a benefit in helping to promote their focus so they can work for long periods of time. They feel a certain calming of the mind which lets them better focus on certain things. Perhaps, it is the feel-good chemicals released by the kratom that render such a pleasurable response in many. Without a doubt, calming down, focusing, and feeling more relaxed are all perks for most, especially if you lack motivation and your mind wanders. Life-changing kratom benefits are different for everyone but worth a try if you want to increase your productivity.
Kratom and Motivation
As mentioned, many believe that kratom jumpstarts their motivation levels. They feel like they are more capable of getting things done and many have called the effects an ‘adrenaline rush.’ Kratom appears to activate the sympathetic nerves through a process of cathartic adrenaline combined with a vasoconstrictor. In addition, the herb appears to discharge monoamine neurotransmitters, 5-hydroxytryptamine, which are two necessary chemicals associated with reinforcing motivation.
Heart Health
Many users turn to kratom to find balance in the body’s hormones which have been rumored to improve the function of the body’s blood vessels and arteries. If your cardiovascular system is working in tip-top shape, then your less likely to suffer from heart disease. Also, you are physically in a better position to defend against having a heart attack, stroke, or some other form of coronary artery problem.
Greater Drive
Imagine getting a good night’s sleep and having greater sexual drive. Men suffering from erectile dysfunction (ED) are always looking for holistic ways to improve their body’s response during sex. Researchers believe that kratom might help regulate the sleep-wake cycle which helps to overcome sleep disorders, night terrors, and parasomnia. Sleep is exceptional restorative so any nudge that you can get to sleep better is a benefit.
Inflammation in the Body
Naturopathic passionately believes that kratom scales back inflammation. Furthermore, they think it helps reduce swelling and pain that result from inflammation. Sufferers of autoimmune disorders and degenerative joint disease might want to further investigate the potential of kratom.
Additional Kratom Effects and Benefits
Loose Bowels
The body’s alimentary canal is directly influenced by the parasympathetic system. Healers and herbal advocates think that kratom may ease loose bowels by controlling the parasympathetic system and retarding vermiculation.
Antioxidants and Kratom
Many researchers claim that antioxidants help defend against cancer by stopping the formation of free radicals. It appears that kratom is brimming with antioxidants which could prove beneficial to the user’s future health.
Weight Loss
Who does not want to lose a few pounds? If you feel calmer and enjoy mood balance, then you will have an easier time digesting. Kratom also appears to help regulate the satiation center in the brain’s neural structure so you might feel greater satisfaction and less hunger.
Battling Fatigue
In Asia, workers use kratom to boost their energy so they can perform often back-breaking labor seven days a week. However, sufferers of chronic fatigue syndrome might experience a pick-me-up with certain strains. In most cases, the energy burst created from kratom will last from two to six hours.
How to Take Kratom?
In Southeast Asia, workers chew the leaves or brew them into tea. However, you can purchase kratom powder and capsules from a wide array of retailers. With a powder, you can dissolve the substance in juice or water. Some people even use it to flavor teas or create smoothies. Kratom capsules are great to take right alongside your other daily vitamin and mineral regime.
Is Kratom Addictive?
You should not overuse kratom nor stick to one single strain or you could build up a kratom tolerance. To avoid kratom tolerance, you can alternate strains daily. Also, you should always take the lowest dose to achieve results to avoid building a resistance to the herb. Remember, you should never use a high dose of kratom, or you could experience hangover-like effects which could last days.
My Kratom Experience – Kratom Benefits
If you are wondering how the My Kratom Club became a reality, then let me give you the background.
As a sufferer of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), I wanted kratom to gently impact my life in a physical and emotional way so that my enjoyment of life increased.
I used two grams of kratom to start out and I personally experienced positive results.
My digestion improved and I stopped having loose stools.
I also felt like my stress was lower, I enjoyed a good night’s sleep, and I gained a great feeling of overall well-being.
If you are interested in learning more about the life-changing benefits of kratom and the different kratom strains then please visit My Kratom Club We offer only premium and affordable kratom products.
28 Responses
Sounds great Mzakapon!
The different veins have different benefits and you can see all of the details in each description on our online store.
Would love for you to share your initial experience with Kratom here in the comments. We will soon hopefully have a story section on this website.
Thanks for your feedback.
– My Kratom Club
Gno it would be great to read about your personal experience with one of the Kratom strains.
We definitely recommend the Green Vein for stress reduction. It also can help with focus as well.
Look forward to your feedback in the near future.
Thank you.
I haven’t heard about Kratom before. I really like to read about new and healthy products. You wrote about many benefits, but the most catchy to me was the high antioxidant and stress reduction. I need both so I will probably try it soon and will write another comment in some month about my personal experiences.
I checked your shop, but I still didn’t choose the right product to me. I will check them all. Thanks
Hi, This is a wonderful article with lot’s of specific information about Life Changing Kratom Benefits. I would not even know this if I did not read your article. I like it’s functionality for sleeping disorder and sexual disorder. I believe this will be very useful for lot’s of people who are really unaware of this multi function natural product. I am planning to buy one bottle of this and going to bookmark your page for my future reference. Thanks for doing great tips in this article.
Thank you for this post on the Kratom herb. I love herbs, and this one from Thailand seems like a wonder herb having a lot of benefits. I am over 50, the joints are beginning to ache. Pain reliefs normally get addictive but you mentioned that Kratom relieves pain without getting addictive. This might be the herb I’ve been looking for!
Hi Juliet,
As we age unfortunately aches and pains are quite common. Kratom if taken properly is not addictive in the sense that you will go to extremes to get your hands on it and/or have major withdrawal symptoms.
It is an all natural product that you will want to become part of your daily routine due to all of the benefits it provides.
Let us know if you have any other questions and please check out our other articles on the website for more Kratom information.
We are currently adding new articles all the time. If there is something you don’t see on the website please let us know and we can write about it.
– My Kratom Club
Good Morning,
I always say that Mother Nature provides for all our needs. Men want to improve on her but mostly it is a failure. Look at modern medicine with a long list of side effects.
I had not heard about Kratom but to me, it seems one of those good examples. Only 10% of nature worldwide has been studied and so many more natural medicine has to still be discovered.
I read in your post that Kratom can help with a lot of ailments. It helps with sleep disorder something modern society suffers from. It increases your productivity which will be especially interesting to students who have to cope with so much. It also promotes a healthy heart. Having a bad heart is often thru an unhealthy lifestyle so I am sure many people will find this helpful as not everybody wants to make changes in their life.
Thank you for this good post, I learned something new today.
Regards, Taetske
Taetske your genuine words are much appreciated and couldn’t agree more with everything you mentioned.
Mother nature is no doubt a blessing. Look forward to what natural remedies mother nature will bring to us in the future.
– My Kratom Club
Thanks for this very thorough overview of something I had honestly never heard of before. It is surprising how many potential benefits it holds for people suffering with the various ailments you describe. You mentioned it is only addictive to those taking large amounts. I know that there are many medications and even some drugs (Aspirin for one) whose affects in lower doses wear off after a period of using and necessitate an increase in the amount taken. What is your experience with this?
Steve happy you are now aware of this potent and helpful supplement.
Appreciate your great question.
When taking Kratom in the proper dosage you will feel the results once you find the exact right dosage for your body. As time goes on you might have to increase the dosage. We recommend switching to a similar vein if you find yourself needing to take a significantly higher dosage to feel the same results.
– My Kratom Club
Thanks for bringing to us the importance of kratom. To be honest this is my first time of hearing about this but I’m already overwhelmed with the its enormous benefits to human life. One of them is the ability to help those suffering from anxiety and depression. I read that it helps to calm down the nerves. It helps to bring back one confidence. A lot of people today are going through anxiety and depression so its good to see a natural cure that can help such people.
Thanks for this educative piece.
You are very welcome Tsquare. Hope you will find value throughout the website with the articles currently available and the many upcoming articles in the works to be released later this month.
– My Kratom Club
There are so many natural ways to improve our lives that we don’t know about that it’s amazing whenever I read such an article and learn about a new way to do so. To be honest I had never heard of this plant before. From reading your article it seems that Kratom has many health benefits that could improve people’s conditions. Thank you for educating us and helping us learn about all this natural ways as nowadays we are so dependent on chemical medicine that it’s like we are addicted to them.
Stratos you hit the nail on the head. Here are some USA statistics when it comes to opiates:
* 1 in 5 people receive prescription opioids
* More than 11 million people abused prescription opioids in 2016
* Drug overdoses claimed the lives of nearly 64,000 Americans in 2016
* Every day, more than 1,000 people are treated in emergency departments for misusing prescription opioids
* More than 40% of all US opioid overdose deaths in 2016 involved a prescription opioid.
The USA really needs to take control of this opiate epidemic and I hope that Kratom can be a part of that.
– My Kratom Club
I have some years, but I have not heard of the katron yet; well, you say it is popular among students and professionals; thank you for opening the path to poplarization of the katron and its miraculous benefits for health, I will make my time in a more or less distant future, to deepen this subject
Carmen we are happy to be your resource to help you learn more about Kratom, its benefits, follow the news, and how to effectively use this plant safely.
– My Kratom Club
Very interesting article. I never heard about Kratom, but thanks to your article I learned something today. I see that it has lots of benefits, but I’m wondering if there is any legitime medical use of kratom?
As you mentioned, each of us has different reactions on the use, I’m curious if indeed it gives addiction.
Are there any restrictions on administration? For how long can one take kratom?
Thank you for your informative article.
Hi Dany, thanks for stopping by.
Kratom is used by people for anxiety, stress, chronic pain relief, focus, energy, and many other things.
Unsure what you mean by legitimate legal use. Kratom is an all natural supplement not regulated by the FDA. Therefore there are not rigorous tests completed on the supplement.
As far as administration if you are talking about the proper dosage we recommend you read our dosage guide HERE.
You are able to take Kratom for as long as needed with little to no side effects as long as the proper dosage is taken.
We’re here to help with any other additional questions or information you may have Dany.
– My Kratom Club
Hi there,
Kratom sounds like a great alternative to today’s typical prescription drugs. I would always prefer more natural treatment options as those usually tend to be less harmful to our body. Have there been any studies done on Kratom to show the effects on the human body with long term use?
According to a article referenced HERE the most common effects of long term use are:
* Weight Loss
* Insomnia
* Dry Mouth
* Frequent Urination
* Constipation
These of course are dependent on many variables but overall in comparison to the long term effects of opiates, barbiturates, and the many other prescription drugs it is clearly a better alternative when taken responsibly.
Let us know if you have any additional questions Kris.
– My Kratom Club
I just had a look at another of your posts on Kratom, which focused on the Borneo Kratom that you recommend over all the other varieties. Because that post piqued my curiosity, I decided to check out another of your posts on Kratom to learn more. I will also be checking out the main site you have added as a link…
From this post on the life-changing benefits that Kratom offers, it is clear to me that I am very happy to have found this website. As I mentioned in my other comment, I am always on the lookout for natural supplements that I can add to my diet and eating regimen.
In reading through this article, where you have expanded on the benefits briefly mentioned in the other post, I am quite convinced that this is a supplement that I want to use. If I consider the mood enhancing, the anti-oxidant, and the anti-inflammatory features, plus more it seems like a very easy decision.
I like that you are also a user of the supplement and can vouch for its effects and effectiveness. This is something I would like to read about from other users as well. Having this kind of social proof would likely help convince many others that they need to try it out too…
Thanks for this detailed post on the benefits of Kratom! I am a more well-informed dude now in regards to this natural supplement. Once I try it for myself, I can then speak with more authority, as I do have many friends that are also looking for supplements and natural herbs etc.
Dave thank you very much for your kind words. We are always excited when a reader learns of this amazing wonder plant and the life changing benefits Kratom has to offer. In the coming days and in the coming weeks there are gong to be many additional articles all about this all natural supplement. If you take a look at our Kratom supplement store HERE you will be able to learn the details of each Kratom vein by clicking on the individual products.
Looking forward to sharing more articles and spreading the word about this all natural supplement.
– My Kratom Club
I must say I found your post highly uplifting and educational.
The background and the history you shared about Kratom is very helpful and I am amazed at the listed numerous health benefits of Kratom. Sharing from your own experience is very helpful.
I believe I need to share this helpful post with my family, relatives and friends.
Being in Asia (India) to be honest I am unaware of Kratom and I can tell you I have taken some great insights from this post.
Surely this is on my list.
Wishing you great Success!
Paul really happy that our article uplifted your spirit. That is what this supplement and website is all about. Providing knowledge for an extremely powerful all natural supplement. Hope you come back to take a look at the many articles being added to the site in the coming days. Our goal is to not only provide this supplement at an affordable cost, but to create a Kratom University website for this wonder plant.
– My Kratom Club
Kratom sounds very powerful as compared to synthetic drugs. The fact of the matter is I suffer from anxiety and pain and would rather use something natural to help work against everything.I am going to take a closer look and very possibly be trying this out. Thank you for taking the time to gather all this great information for us to help with some very important decisions.Dale
Dale it is our pleasure to introduce you to this powerful natural plant. These life changing Kratom benefits come from a leaf believe it or not. In the coming days there are going to be many articles talking about what to look out for when taking Kratom. We want you to be able to do your research all from one site referencing many other experienced factual sites as well.
If you have some time check out the 8 Medicinal Uses For Kratom HERE.
– My Kratom Club
It is great to know about something new. Kratom is something that I haven’t heard before reading this article today. This article had everything I needed to know about Kratom. I learned about its benefits and all the healthy advantages of Kratom. It is good to know that Kratom can treat Pain Relief and overcome addictions and more.
Thank you so much for sharing this article.
It puts a smile on our faces when people such as yourself learn about this wonder plant for the first time. The life changing kratom benefits available from this leaf are stunning to say the least. It makes sense it is part of the coffee family as they are both powerful stimulants and great for reducing inflammation.
If you read this article HERE it talks about Red Vein Kratom – A Powerhouse Kratom that is excellent for pain relief, insomnia, and a good night’s rest.