Why You Shouldn’t Buy Cheap Kratom?

Cheap Kratom

Last Updated on November 9, 2023

Everybody is hunting for a deal nowadays. Who wants to spend an excessive amount of money? Instead, Americans get excited over sales (just look at what happens on Black Friday and Cyber Monday!)  Unfortunately, you shouldn’t buy cheap kratom. If you encounter a ‘deal’ on kratom you should immediately say ‘no’ and forego the purchase. After reading this, you might be shaking your head in protest. How can you pass up a DEAL? Well, there are a lot of reasons why you shouldn’t buy cheap kratom.

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Disreputable Kratom Sellers

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Kratom Dangers

As with anything, there are disreputable sellers offering the herbal supplement kratom for sale. The herb’s increasing popularity, sellers are flocking to the game to make as much money as possible which means cutting corners. The buyer (you) ends up getting a subpar and potentially dangerous product. Maybe the kratom is not pure or it has expired. Some products might even be dangerous if they have not undergone any form of testing to rule out bio-contaminates.

Ways Kratom Vendors Cut Costs

Yes, even reputable business dealers cut costs on occasion. They do it to balance their budget and turn a profit. However, there is a line where businesses have to stop so they can continue to provide quality kratom to their buyers.

Ways that Kratom Vendors Save Money

Here is a list of ways that kratom vendors save money:

Employing Inexperienced Staff

Kratom is a specialized substance and it’s rare for brick and mortar retailers to employ staff with knowledge of the herb. In fact, most of the people who work in such establishments are typically paid minimum wage and have absolutely no knowledge of the items they are selling. Many online vendors also do not have experienced customer service representatives to answer your questions. Qualified staff costs money so is often the first expense cut by retailers.

At My Kratom Club, we take great pride in our team of experts who are here to answer all of your kratom questions in a knowledgeable fashion.

Quality Assurance Staff

Staffing is particularly important for any reputable kratom retailer. Quality assurance staff is essential to guarantee that whatever kratom product you purchase is fresh. The brand carried should have undergone third-party laboratory testing and inspection. A quality assurance staff also ensures that the packaging remains safe and secure. Many kratom retailers simply do not employ quality assurance, staff members. They consider such positions unnecessary. Also, at this time there are no formal rules that require a vendor to employ quality assurance staff.

Limited or No Testing

This is an essential necessity. If you are purchasing kratom from a retailer or online vendor and they fail to provide you with proof of laboratory testing, then you should not proceed with the purchase.

Kratom testing is essential to guarantee a safe product. Any reputable brand will put their products through independent third-party laboratory testing to make sure the kratom products are not contaminated with pesticides, heavy metals, or other pathogens which can cause sickness or death in the user.

In addition, just because a kratom retailer says that they have put their products through testing, you cannot believe them. You must require proof of testing to guarantee that the herbal supplement is safe.

What Quality and Safety Assurances Should Kratom Go Through?

Here are just a few ways to ensure safety and quality assurances from vendors:

  • Quality checks carried out at supplier warehouses.
  • Stringent sanitation procedures
  • Product testing to look for potential contamination.

Yes, testing is expensive for kratom retailers, but it can help ensure a safe product. If a vendor is selling cheap kratom then you can assume they have cut corners somewhere and that means the herbal supplement might be low quality or even dangerous.

Avoiding Cheap Kratom

Not affordable kratom is necessarily bad. Some kratom vendors offer a sale on their products if they are getting close to expiring but have not hit the expiration date yet. In fact, if you frequently take kratom then scoring a deal on cheap kratom in this way is perfectly acceptable as long as you use it prior to the expiration date. However, you should always avoid buying low-cost kratom it is untested.

AKA Good Manufacturing Practices Standards

The American Kratom Association (AKA) offers GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) standard certification to vendors. The GMP standards are a set of rules and regulations that vendors are expected to follow when selling safe kratom products. A vendor who becomes certified with the GMP certification is serious about offering safe products to their customers so, ideally, you should always look for vendors who proudly proclaim their GMP certification.

The Necessity of Kratom Regulations

Without a doubt, there is considerable concern about brick and mortar retailers and eCommerce vendors selling cheap kratom that might prove dangerous or subpart. Recently, there has been a hard push to regulate kratom. The Kratom Consumer Protection Act (KCPA) is a step in the right direction for ensuring safe kratom for customers. The KCPA regulates and safeguards the industry by making vendors offer only high-quality kratom products.

Kratom Consumer Protection Act includes the following:

  • Prohibits the sale of kratom to minors, anyone under the age of 18.
  • Disclosing if any food item contains kratom.
  • Prohibiting the sale of kratom products that have been adulterated and/or contaminated with any dangerous substance(s) that are not kratom.
  • Disallowing any kratom products that are packed with or contain dangerous substance(s) that affect the strength and/or quality of kratom in a way that can hurt or injure the customer.
  • Prohibiting any kratom products that are mixed with or packed with any substance(s) scheduled in the respective state.
  • Forbidding the sale of any kratom product that contains more than 2% of 7-hydroxymitragynine.
  • Prohibiting the sale of any kratom product that contains synthetic kratom alkaloids or a synthetic version of any other natural kratom compound.
  • Labeling the kratom product and stating the ingredients and origin of kratom.
  • Disclosing the amount of Mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine that each kratom product contains.

Failure to Follow Regulations

What Shops Offer Kratom Locally? –

Avoid Buying Cheap Kratom

In states that embrace the KCPA, vendors can quickly get in trouble for failure to follow the regulations. They will be faced with $1000 in fines and imprisonment of 90 days or more. However, it is ultimately up to the state’s discretion when it comes to fines and potential imprisonment.

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For your own health and safety, you should not buy cheap kratom. Remember, this is something you are putting inside of your body so you should always ensure that it is pure and safe. If your state has not passed the KCPA then it falls on your shoulders to make sure that the herbal product you purchase is safe and free of contaminants.

At My Kratom Club, we sell only leading kratom brands HERE.

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